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June 30, 2024

Ep34 Laurie Seymour - Self-Doubt Led This Mentor to a Quantum Leap in Consciousness

In this episode of Magnificence, host Patricia Lindner sits down with Laurie Seymour, a former psychotherapist turned executive coach and bestselling author. Laurie shares her transformative journey from battling self-doubt to experiencing a profound spiritual awakening that changed the course of her career and life.

Patricia expertly guides the conversation, drawing out Laurie's insights on:

• The pivotal moment that sparked Laurie's transition from traditional psychotherapy to energy-based coaching

• How feeling truly loved for the first time led to a dramatic shift in Laurie's perspective

• The surprising gift of doubt in driving personal growth and discovery

Laurie opens up about her struggles with self-doubt and her relentless search for truth and possibility. She recounts a life-changing initiation experience that unlocked a deep sense of self-love and belonging, fundamentally altering her approach to helping others.

Patricia adds depth to the discussion by sharing her own reflections on the positive aspects of doubt, framing it as a catalyst for growth and exploration. She skillfully connects Laurie's experiences to insights from Human Design, highlighting Laurie's unique gifts as a teacher and guide.

The conversation takes a fascinating turn as Patricia interprets Laurie's Human Design chart, revealing:

• Laurie's natural ability to inspire others and help them see their lives in a new light

• The powerful combination of Laurie's defined head and Ajna centers, indicating her capacity for abstract thinking and innovative problem-solving

• How Laurie's chart explains her journey from being stuck in her head to becoming a transformative presence for others

This episode offers listeners a rare glimpse into the personal evolution of a gifted healer and teacher. It's a must-listen for anyone grappling with self-doubt or seeking to understand the hidden potential within their own struggles.

Tune in to discover how embracing your innate wisdom can lead to profound personal and professional transformation.


00:00:00:00 - 00:00:03:17


Laurie Seymour


I felt like everybody else had the answer




00:00:03:17 - 00:00:10:06


Laurie Seymour


But I didn't know what that was. But I knew that there was something. It's like I grew up with that feeling of both sides of




00:00:10:06 - 00:00:15:01


Laurie Seymour


self-doubt and also knowing absolutely that there was this bigger picture




00:00:15:01 - 00:00:51:14


Patricia Lindner


Magnificence is the boundless expanse of being a liberation from limitation. It is the embodiment of authenticity, where you shed the shackles of self-doubt, shame and imposter syndrome. Here, worthiness flourishes like a vibrant garden where you have the power to determine your actions, destinations, and your closest relationships in the realm of magnificence. Creative individuality takes center stage. Your greatness is acknowledged, celebrated, and nurture.




00:00:51:16 - 00:01:18:12


Patricia Lindner


Gone are the days of mindless conformity. Your fitting in just to keep the peace. This show and your host, Patricia Lindner, are here to guide you as you align with your authentic design, leading the way to a life of purpose and fulfillment. Magnificence is not some unreachable peak or distant dream. It's inside you waiting to shine brighter than you ever thought possible.




00:01:18:13 - 00:01:22:10


Patricia Lindner


Welcome to your magnificence.




00:01:22:10 - 00:01:46:08


Patricia Lindner


Hello and welcome to another episode of magnificence, the one and only empowerment podcast. It's Drake's image and shines the light on the magnificence of my guests and of course, on your magnificence. And today I have with me the one and only and making Nificent Norris say more. Hello, Laurie. Welcome to the show.




00:01:46:10 - 00:01:56:19


Laurie Seymour


thank you so much, Patricia. I'm excited to be here. We've had a couple of really amazing conversations, and, so I know this will be to.




00:01:56:21 - 00:02:13:09


Patricia Lindner


Yeah, I am excited and looking forward to diving in whatever comes up. I'm curious, and I trust that this is going to be an amazing unfolding of something that is exactly needed to be said to date.




00:02:13:10 - 00:02:19:00


Laurie Seymour


Yeah, yeah, it always is. That's what's so magnificent. Yeah, yeah.




00:02:19:02 - 00:02:47:11


Patricia Lindner


I like trusting the flow. Absolutely. So before we dive into all of the good stuff, another part to that, another good stuff part is introducing you to the audience and just setting a couple of sentences about who you are and what you do. And should I not say everything that is very important for the introduction, please add whatever feels, good to you.




00:02:48:11 - 00:02:56:14


Patricia Lindner


I just tried to put together what I thought is very interesting in the beginning.




00:02:56:16 - 00:02:57:23


Laurie Seymour






00:02:58:01 - 00:03:33:17


Patricia Lindner


So today I'm really thrilled to introduce to you Laurie Laurie Seymour. She is a two time international number one bestselling author, host of the Wisdom Talk Radio podcast and an executive coach. Laurie is the founder and CEO of the Barker Institute, dedicated to helping others connect with their energetic, creative intelligence. She calls it the source to dissolve old patterns and unlock their full potential.




00:03:33:19 - 00:04:11:03


Patricia Lindner


With over 25 years of experience, Laurie has guided thousands in using a special energetic technology that activates a deep connection with source, raising vibration and enabling creation through the quantum field of potential. Her quantum connection process helps people build lives and businesses that reflect their divine blueprint, celebrate their creative genius, and achieve financial flow with feeling well. Welcome to the show, Laurie!




00:04:11:03 - 00:04:21:19


Patricia Lindner


That is so much magnificent just to talk about everything that you do and everything that you did. I am thrilled to have you.




00:04:21:21 - 00:04:53:10


Laurie Seymour


Thank you, thank you. And the only thing that you captured, you captured. Yet I would say, and, it's really pity it's been 25 years since I was initiated into. Probably a little longer than that, into, that that stewardship. I'd been doing this work a lot longer than that. Is that then I was a psychotherapist before that, so I don't want to say how many years.




00:04:53:12 - 00:05:20:23


Patricia Lindner


But that's amazing. And just, having you say, that you worked as a psychotherapist before you did, what do you do now? And what do you have been doing for a long time now? That, is an interesting aspect to start with. I'm curious because just maybe people who are watching the show, they ask themselves, why did she stop working as a psychotherapist?




00:05:21:03 - 00:05:38:00


Patricia Lindner


That is amazing. I just could think, of you being in a practice, having amazing clients, doing the psychotherapeutic work. Why did you stop doing that and why did you transition into what do you do now?




00:05:38:02 - 00:06:19:08


Laurie Seymour


That's a actually, it's a great question, and it's a really important question for me in my own journey because I even while I was a psychotherapist in a, in private practice, and I was working really on the edges of all sorts of things because I was always looking for what was the truth and what was possible. Those were my kind of driving forces, and I was also looking for what would fill this space in me, because I felt like everybody else had the answer or the secret, so to speak.




00:06:19:10 - 00:06:49:11


Laurie Seymour


But I didn't know what that was. But I knew that there was something. It's like I grew up with that feeling of both sides of self-doubt and also knowing absolutely that there was this bigger picture and what that led me to was. Without the that the earlier parts of things, when I met a teacher, my teacher named Don.




00:06:49:13 - 00:07:33:18


Laurie Seymour


I was at that point where I was still looking. I was I was working in some amazing ways, doing some incredible work with music and imagery and, different, psychotherapeutic processes. But when I had a particular experience with her, and it was during an initiation where I felt something open in me and unlock and I felt loved, not necessarily by her, but I felt the love within myself for the first time ever that I could remember at that time wasn't the first time, but that's that's a longer piece.




00:07:33:18 - 00:08:03:12


Laurie Seymour


And that's my book that's coming out probably next year. but it was that just made that experience of, oh, I belong, I am loved, and I knew it without a doubt. I knew without a doubt. And, and I never went back. I never went in. And if there was be a kind of a, a creeping in of some kind of self-doubt, I would.




00:08:03:14 - 00:08:06:12


Laurie Seymour


I could recognize that how that felt.




00:08:06:12 - 00:08:33:21


Laurie Seymour


But I could feel the difference between what self-doubt felt like, which was so yucky and what this love felt like, which felt so true. And that started me on a whole other journey. And I realized in this work that I was discovering and learning that I you didn't have to work for years to make that kind of shift.




00:08:33:23 - 00:08:45:17


Laurie Seymour


And that made me realize that I couldn't continue calling myself a psychotherapist or doing psychotherapy in the way that I had been doing it.




00:08:45:19 - 00:09:09:03


Patricia Lindner


And if I got that right, and I have so many thoughts in my head, then just came from what you shared, it was like working as a psychotherapist as this linear, ongoing process. And now what you discovered and experienced sounds like, oh, I am quantum leaping is.




00:09:09:07 - 00:09:35:14


Laurie Seymour


That is that is I mean, looking back on that, I was it was a total quantum leap. And and I was pretty out there as a therapist. I was not your traditional, you know, here's what we do and here's how we do it kind of thing. I was working with all sorts of incredible methodology and and I came from my degree was in humanistic psychology.




00:09:35:16 - 00:09:45:18


Laurie Seymour


I was teaching in the transpersonal psychology world. This was still a quantum leap beyond all that wonderful, wonderful.




00:09:45:20 - 00:10:10:02


Patricia Lindner


And you mentioned doubt or self-doubt, and you said it felt yucky. And I had another thought that I really would love to add, because I just contemplated on this aspect of thought, of doubt, because that is a big one. for me. And it has been a big one for me. And I just opened up to another idea.




00:10:10:04 - 00:10:11:10


Patricia Lindner


And maybe you like that.




00:10:11:13 - 00:10:14:22


Laurie Seymour


Yeah. Go ahead. I love it if.




00:10:14:23 - 00:10:18:16


Patricia Lindner


You already know that you love it.




00:10:18:18 - 00:10:22:14


Laurie Seymour


Well, I love that there's something that just came to you. Yeah.




00:10:22:16 - 00:10:49:16


Patricia Lindner


If doubt or self-doubt was not there in this initial place, you would have stayed the same. Because. Yeah, having doubt or self-doubt, let's say having doubt, doubting something makes you investigate and find out more and makes you like, I want to know more. I'm a seeker. I'm a wisdom.




00:10:49:16 - 00:10:51:14


Laurie Seymour






00:10:51:16 - 00:11:16:07


Patricia Lindner


I want to figure it out. And isn't that such a big gift to go from this place of doubt and see it as such a big gift? Because you discover something new, you discover this experience of quantum leaping, and now you can share it with the world. And that is what gave a spin to this weird doubt.




00:11:16:09 - 00:11:39:11


Laurie Seymour


Yeah, he started liking it and it. You can either be caught in self-doubt or you can know, like I had somewhere. I always knew that there was something else. Yeah, it it wasn't just that. And if it were just that, I don't think we would call it doubt. Yeah. Yeah.




00:11:39:13 - 00:11:40:05


Patricia Lindner


And I reasons.




00:11:40:05 - 00:11:41:09


Laurie Seymour


Quite brilliantly dear.




00:11:41:15 - 00:11:59:05


Patricia Lindner


I. Yeah. And I recently read so self-doubt is a bit tricky because you could really drown in self-doubt. And then it's best to communicate with someone about what is going on in your head. But if you are a doubtful person and maybe that is what someone needs to hear right now.




00:11:59:07 - 00:12:00:13


Laurie Seymour


If you really, you.




00:12:00:13 - 00:12:03:19


Patricia Lindner


Could even doubt your doubt.




00:12:03:21 - 00:12:34:06


Laurie Seymour


Absolutely. And I doubted anything that came in that run ran contrary to to the doubt. Yeah. Like, oh, this feels too oh, this is too good, you know, that kind of thing. Yeah. Can't really trust that. Yeah. But I came into such a place of trust and it was trusting in that bigger picture, trusting in my own connection and trusting that we have within us everything already.




00:12:34:06 - 00:12:35:22


Laurie Seymour


It's needed.




00:12:35:23 - 00:13:05:07


Patricia Lindner


So beautiful. I want to come back to having everything that is needed. And, because sometimes it's just sad and people say, yeah, yeah, yeah, you can say that. What does that mean? I can read it everywhere. But before that, I would really love to share your human design chart, because there are 2 or 3 aspects that I looked at that are really good in connection to what you just said.




00:13:05:09 - 00:13:06:05


Laurie Seymour






00:13:06:07 - 00:13:08:17


Patricia Lindner


And I want to.




00:13:08:19 - 00:13:10:15


Laurie Seymour






00:13:10:16 - 00:13:20:10


Patricia Lindner


About these aspect. So just talking a little bit about your chart and I don't remember if you ever had a chart reading before.




00:13:20:12 - 00:13:24:01


Laurie Seymour


Yes I have okay. I've, you know bits and pieces.




00:13:24:01 - 00:13:59:06


Patricia Lindner


Yeah. So just for anyone who is new to human design or then I want to transition a bit into the jinkies because that is so magnificent in this chart and in every chart. Lori, you are a generator. That is, you are here to really do the work to really, be an alchemist, so to speak, and, become better and better and masterful at what you do, and you have this power inside of you to really do that.




00:13:59:08 - 00:14:21:19


Patricia Lindner


And to really continue your work and discover new things and just trust that there is something opening up. And then you have those epiphanies and experiences and, new insights. And so I think that is really great that you are someone who has the power. And I think generators have.




00:14:22:10 - 00:15:02:07


Patricia Lindner


What I want to talk about. And, maybe it's a bit of a weird way of looking at the chart the way I do it in the beginning, before I dive into the facts and the wisdom around human design, I look at it as if it was a painting, like something creative. And every chart looks differently. And so what I saw, the first thing that really popped out was, oh, Lori has a defined, hint, defined crown.




00:15:02:09 - 00:15:31:18


Patricia Lindner


That is interesting because there is only, a small number of people who have this defined head center. Did you crown? That is someone who could really be in their head all the time. And, you know, there is a lot about intellectual wisdom and, abstract wisdom, but also those people are here to inspire others. Those are the great teachers.




00:15:31:20 - 00:16:09:10


Patricia Lindner


Because you have it. You have it inside of you. And what I did next, I looked into this part because that stood out. I just had this interpretation of a painting that was like, oh, and let's see the head space. This crown center is connected to the original center, which is sort of your computer base, where everything goes in and where you process things so that you can verbalize them or put it out into the world.




00:16:09:12 - 00:16:38:18


Patricia Lindner


And so I wanted to look at those channels. And there is channel 6124. That's the middle channel. And it is called the channel of awareness, which means that your mind is capable of inspiring someone else because you see a lot and you can help them see the light of their life in a new light.




00:16:38:20 - 00:16:39:18


Laurie Seymour






00:16:39:20 - 00:17:16:18


Patricia Lindner


I want to already connected to the other, channel that is the channel of logic. That's 63 four, and this channel is you using your mental gifts in the service of others. So both of them have a similar topic. It's always in service of others because in brackets. And that makes so much sense when I just remember what you said, you had this doubt and you couldn't figure things out the way you wanted.




00:17:16:18 - 00:17:57:13


Patricia Lindner


So you, you continued, there is some hardship in figuring out things mentally, mentally just for yourself, but you are brilliant in seeing the bigger picture for others and solution for others, and giving others so much clarity, inspiration, insights. And you are the brain, so to speak, when it comes to being of service for others. And I just thought that is that is so big to talk about this aspect in your chart and it makes so much, so much sense when I connect it to what you shared.




00:17:57:15 - 00:18:06:00


Laurie Seymour


Yeah, I was very caught in my head for a long, long time. I mean, even though there was all this underneath kind of aspect.




00:18:06:00 - 00:18:20:21


Laurie Seymour


it would frustrate my teacher because she was opening me up energetically and, you know, was providing all these experiences, and I always wanted to figure things out. Yeah. It's like, stop trying to figure things out.




00:18:20:23 - 00:18:24:06


Laurie Seymour


Or at least go for more than that.




00:18:24:08 - 00:18:39:17


Patricia Lindner


Yeah. And I think seeing this and seeing that there is no good or bad, no right or wrong, is being in your head is a gift for others. It could really hinder you from opening up to more.




00:18:39:19 - 00:18:41:18


Laurie Seymour


But it.




00:18:41:20 - 00:18:52:09


Patricia Lindner


This is such a great example for your magnificence and for seeing. There is always more than one aspect that needs to be.




00:18:53:05 - 00:19:20:08


Patricia Lindner


And I just say that when, when when people say, oh, I hate that. I am so doubtful. Oh, I hate that I am so much in my head. But there is always an aspect that is such a gift. And that's why I wanted to really use you as an example for that magnificence. Because you are an amazing teacher and amazing, guide and facilitator for others.




00:19:20:08 - 00:19:27:19


Patricia Lindner


You are, someone who really can open up people to see themselves in such a different light.




00:19:27:21 - 00:19:30:19


Laurie Seymour


Yeah, yeah, yeah.




00:19:30:20 - 00:19:57:15


Patricia Lindner


And and there is, I don't want to touch upon that, but there is one aspect in your chart that is even about your physical presence that you enable people to really have quantum leaps. The only thing is that this could happen spontaneously and no wonder if you have some experiences, because I know you do retreats. You see people in person.




00:19:58:06 - 00:20:06:23


Patricia Lindner


That all of a sudden there is this like visually, like miraculous quantum leap for your clients, for the people.




00:20:07:03 - 00:20:09:01


Laurie Seymour


Who are.




00:20:09:03 - 00:20:20:01


Patricia Lindner


in a room with you work with that is in your chart. There is this quantum leap aspect that could show up spontaneously.




00:20:20:02 - 00:20:41:11


Laurie Seymour


That's so interesting that you should put it that way. I have not had someone say that that way, and it happens all of the time. partly because what I'm doing in my work, I, for example, I have a, twice weekly Terraria meditation online.




00:20:41:12 - 00:20:49:01


Laurie Seymour


It's short. It's, you know, it's it's it's the easiest way for people to come into my world, for example.




00:20:49:03 - 00:21:16:09


Laurie Seymour


And yet when people do it, they end up staying for sometimes years. I've been doing this for a long time because I'm working with energy during the time of the meditations. So I'm working with each person's system, each person's body, and that's happening no matter what I'm doing. I don't mean that I go into somebody and just say, oh, you know, hey, but I'm where I work in such a way that I don't have to put my head in there.




00:21:16:11 - 00:21:44:00


Laurie Seymour


I don't have to put there's no it's not about control or something. It's really an invitation. And what I keep seeing is the profoundness of how people receive the invitation. And the way that change happens and opening happens in such a gentle, amazing kind of way. It's it's sometimes it's like, oh, I got to change my life completely.




00:21:44:02 - 00:21:56:04


Laurie Seymour


But sometimes. But it's, it's it feels right. It has that aspect of, oh, it may not be easy, but there's an ease to it.




00:21:56:06 - 00:22:11:05


Patricia Lindner


I love when you say that I heard you say that before, that things are not easy. But it. So for me, Darius's picture of there is some flow to it. There is no stagnation.




00:22:11:07 - 00:22:37:23


Laurie Seymour


Yeah. We just had the, another meeting after the the last retreat that was that happened in Spain with the people that were there. And to hear what's been happening and how it's been happening. Well, remarkable to me because we really wanted to have that experience, not just be, oh yeah, you just go away, you have a great time, and then you kind of go back into your life.




00:22:38:01 - 00:23:00:21


Laurie Seymour


For us, it was it was about transforming ocean and it still is. And that was the feedback yesterday was how that's continuing to unfold. And it it's that's pretty remarkable to me. It's it's remarkable. I don't want to I don't want add to it that sense of remarkable ability to ever go away. I'm always in awe.




00:23:00:23 - 00:23:31:08


Patricia Lindner


As, as it's so beautiful to hear that from you. And, again, I think that gives people such a big relief because it is like, an ongoing process. There is no end to it. And, your retreat had this ripple effect on the lives of people. And it goes on and they develop and they grow. And there is yet another aspect, and there is yet another opening and maybe another quantum leap.




00:23:31:10 - 00:23:33:10


Laurie Seymour






00:23:33:12 - 00:24:01:21


Patricia Lindner


I think that is so good to know that there is I think there is no person on earth that does not want to continue this journey to another goal, to another level, to another aspect they want to embrace or embody or open up to. I think there is always more. And and isn't that just enjoying the journey.




00:24:01:21 - 00:24:03:05


Laurie Seymour






00:24:03:07 - 00:24:06:17


Patricia Lindner


Really loving every moment?




00:24:06:19 - 00:24:35:13


Laurie Seymour


And we may not love every moment? I, I got sick a couple weeks ago. I didn't love that. Yeah, but I also but I could also look at it and get an experience of what else was going on and why I needed to get quiet, and that I needed to get quiet, and I needed to be have much more inside time and rest, because there was a lot of big changes happening for me, and I needed to give myself that space.




00:24:35:15 - 00:24:38:05


Laurie Seymour


And I wasn't.




00:24:38:07 - 00:24:47:00


Patricia Lindner


That is interesting, because that brings me back to this question. When you said, we have it all inside of us just talking about.




00:24:47:02 - 00:24:48:22


Laurie Seymour






00:24:49:00 - 00:25:14:09


Patricia Lindner


Getting sick. You could really rush down the emotional ladder and be you go from anger down to really, being full of, resentment and maybe even more, panic or even more being full of fear because there is something going on in the body.




00:25:16:15 - 00:25:41:07


Patricia Lindner


How could could you give the audience a little insight into how do you handle that? Because you said, we have it all inside. And that's really a tangible example of how does Nori do that in a magnificent movie that is not maybe easy.




00:25:41:09 - 00:26:11:16


Laurie Seymour


you know, the the practice, if you will, is one of knowing that when I say, you know, it's all there inside of us, we don't have to go outside. I mean, we may we may go to a mentor or a guide to work with us. but it's not to have someone else be the intermediary with what our truth is, or to be the intermediary between you and God, between you and presence.




00:26:11:17 - 00:26:43:00


Laurie Seymour


That is there within us. You know, excuse me. We are we are each we are, we are energy. The quantum field is energy. Everything is energy and we're part of it all. So when I got to when when this all happened in getting sick, it was the practice of going inside and asking, what am I needing to know about this?




00:26:43:00 - 00:27:10:20


Laurie Seymour


Things like this. What am I needing to know about this? What's what's going on? What am I needing to do? Because my one tendency I used to have was to really push through things and I'll get it. I'll get it done, and I would get it done. But there's, there's a different dimension when you start to soften towards yourself and realize that, okay, there is a bigger picture.




00:27:10:22 - 00:27:36:20


Laurie Seymour


So let me start to tune into what that is. What am I needing to do now? and, and what I realize, even as I'm saying, this was, there was, a teaching for me about paying such acute attention, such close attention to what's needed. Know what am I eating to do now? Oh, you're needing to rest again.




00:27:36:22 - 00:28:26:07


Laurie Seymour


Again? You know, I could say I could say okay. And surrender today and allow that and keep listening and keeping keep tuning in to that quieter voice, that quieter knowing, that takes practice, that takes willingness, it takes surrender. It's like, okay, if there is this inner guidance, will I listen to it or will I override it? And because I've been doing this for so long, I know when I start to override because something goes off and I don't feel good and, and, and I, I know that it doesn't really serve me to do that, and I'd rather listen.




00:28:26:12 - 00:28:40:13


Laurie Seymour


I'd rather surrender to what my own guidance is giving me than to take personal. Well, let that have its way.




00:28:40:15 - 00:29:17:10


Patricia Lindner


I like it a lot. And you just made me tap into a storage. That is, it's it's about physical issues. And, when you say we have it all inside of us and dearest is deep in and knowing and we just need to ask ourselves and become quiet and reflect and contemplate. and I had an issue going on for a long time, and I knew at the core of my being I knew what this had to do with.




00:29:17:12 - 00:29:31:02


Patricia Lindner


But believe it or not, I would always try to convince myself that this is just a physical thing. Even though, I'm all about energies will.




00:29:31:04 - 00:29:34:01


Laurie Seymour


And just even though you knew, even though.




00:29:34:01 - 00:30:09:18


Patricia Lindner


I knew. And just recently I saw this amazing acupuncturist and, we talked about and he said, that is so amazing that you totally get that it's energetic and that you have it all inside of you. And then he said, but I wonder why do you need me to reflect that back to you? Because you have been knowing that for five years now, and I really needed him because there is always this element and it's like, maybe, maybe, maybe, I don't have it all inside of me.




00:30:09:20 - 00:30:21:11


Patricia Lindner


Why should I know everything? So I love that you say we totally know what's going on with our body. We totally know what is going on in our lives.




00:30:21:13 - 00:30:24:04


Laurie Seymour


Let me can I put a little nuance to that.




00:30:24:06 - 00:30:25:13


Patricia Lindner






00:30:25:15 - 00:31:01:13


Laurie Seymour


Come. We don't always know when we're caught up in the outside world, when we're caught in trying to be who we think we're supposed to be, or trying to please someone else, or not wanting to interrupt or disturb, you know, the the status quo. so it it actually, well, for me in my life because of how I was oriented, which was very much outside, I, it took me a long time to start to pay attention.




00:31:01:15 - 00:31:47:08


Laurie Seymour


And it's actually I developed a course a couple of years ago called the Inner Guidance Mastery Blueprint, and it was about like that. It was to teach people how to listen. Because we would think that that would be so, such an easy thing. But it's not. For me, it was one of the hardest things. And because it was hard, I got to see all the pieces and the ways that I could show other people and also provide the energetic experience, because that energetic experience allows people to to feel what that's like, not just to have the the processes or the skill set, but then to know it from your own feeling body, which I think




00:31:47:08 - 00:31:48:13


Laurie Seymour


is essential.




00:31:48:15 - 00:32:14:02


Patricia Lindner


It is. It is essential. And I I'd say that our thinking and our emotions really are the most important assets we have, but it is. So that's just from my perspective. But at the same time, I believe that lots of people really have a hard time connecting with their emotions or their feelings or their body or their soul.




00:32:14:02 - 00:32:24:15


Patricia Lindner


And as you said, sometimes I catch myself, going into a direction that is not so healthy or not so.




00:32:24:15 - 00:32:25:14


Laurie Seymour


Very good.




00:32:25:14 - 00:32:40:03


Patricia Lindner


For my inner and outer being. and I think that is, that is the exactly, where we should be headed, because this is awareness about our path and our inner guidance system.




00:32:40:03 - 00:33:19:05


Laurie Seymour


And our inner guidance system. Yeah. And for me, I, I went into a therapist because that seemed like the most natural way of learning about myself and other people and going into depth that I needed to learn about my emotional body and about emotion. But then I had to go beyond that, because the inner guidance system is in court, in emotion, either like a which we can go into, I think of of truth and I think of, yeah, this may be true emotionally for me, but emotion is still caught in what past experience was.




00:33:19:08 - 00:33:53:01


Laurie Seymour


Yeah, it's still it's still what's old. And I'm always wanting and I don't want to just like, dig up the past. I want to be in service to what is it I'm needing to create now? And where is that taking me and what is not as a way of skipping over something, but it's a way of taking what I already have and then taking it into bring it into a new frequency, the new vibration, the new what wants to be created.




00:33:53:03 - 00:34:21:13


Patricia Lindner


That is very interesting because that is like not creating the now and the future just from some past experiences where emotions often get triggered by but having like this fresh sheet of paper and starting something new or really focusing on what can be created and how do I can't.




00:34:21:15 - 00:34:22:10


Laurie Seymour






00:34:22:12 - 00:34:25:19


Patricia Lindner


Yeah, it can unfold. What can be created.




00:34:25:21 - 00:35:00:04


Laurie Seymour


They literally don't lose any of that. What we had, it's like, you know, if you're somebody that believes in past lives, we don't lose any of that energy. We bring that with us. Yeah. And we we bring our history with us. It's just that there's more. Yeah. And, and I used just in there really deliberately. There is more and it's not to ignore that because that's what's going to take us forward.




00:35:00:06 - 00:35:05:07


Laurie Seymour


And we are here to be creators. I believe.




00:35:05:09 - 00:35:07:06


Patricia Lindner


Every single second.




00:35:07:08 - 00:35:09:21


Laurie Seymour


Every single we are creating.




00:35:09:23 - 00:35:38:00


Patricia Lindner


Yeah. And I just caught myself that I am so into our conversation because most of the time I share about human design and a share about the jinkies! But I think that is such an important topic that I really want to stress those great thoughts, great, ideas, or maybe some pieces of inspiration for someone who is listening.




00:35:39:00 - 00:35:45:21


Patricia Lindner


But or and at the same time, I want to at least once go back to your chart.




00:35:45:23 - 00:35:49:15


Laurie Seymour


Yeah, I'd love to, I'd love to. I don't know anything about changes.




00:35:49:17 - 00:36:21:03


Patricia Lindner


And. Yes, exactly. So you don't see the jinkies reissue, figure out where the jinkies are, but I started, like, maybe eight, nine months ago, really diving deeper into the jinkies and, connecting jinkies to Human Design. there are. I don't know if you know anything about. Jinkies. There are three pathways, so it's such an amazing system,




00:36:21:03 - 00:36:59:17


Patricia Lindner


it is three pathways. The first one is an activation sequence where people can look at or spheres, that they can activate. It's a more masculine path. And they have a look at the shadow frequency of the spheres, the spheres that their soul chose. So there are altogether it's 11 spheres, and they can look at, the shadow frequency, which is oftentimes fear based, which oftentimes really dims their light.




00:36:59:18 - 00:37:29:17


Patricia Lindner


Yeah. or because it is jinkies is at the genetic level of the DNA. And there are those bio photons. I just learned that recently. And when we are in stress, fear and all those emotions, the DNA and the photons are really the bio photons are really compressed and we don't shine our light anymore. And so gene keys help people to start it.




00:37:29:17 - 00:37:47:02


Patricia Lindner


There may be a shadow expression of one of those aspects. And take this shadow not as something that is bad that we need to get rid of, but is a starting point of their journey.




00:37:47:04 - 00:37:48:01


Laurie Seymour






00:37:48:03 - 00:38:11:03


Patricia Lindner


Accepting it, embracing it, and then, moving into the gift frequency that is really shining their light, having their full expression, and radiating that into the outside world. And so when we look at the human design chart or human design chart, this first.




00:38:11:09 - 00:38:31:10


Patricia Lindner


Pathway of the genius is expressed in exactly those four, those four numbers. So the 350, the 60 and the 56, they are all.




00:38:31:12 - 00:39:08:20


Patricia Lindner


Keys, genetic keys or gates in human design. And they have a certain topic. And, there is another pathway that's the love path that is all about self-love and different phases, of love and expressing love and, dealing with the biggest wound. And then there is a prosperity path. So, I just wanted to look into this expression, this number three in the conscious sun.




00:39:10:04 - 00:39:19:01


Patricia Lindner


This number three drink is called the Way of Innovation.




00:39:19:03 - 00:39:22:10


Laurie Seymour


I used to call myself the Innovation Alchemist.




00:39:22:12 - 00:39:45:08


Patricia Lindner


And that is this gene key is all about. What are you here to do? What is your life's work? That is the starting point of the activation sequence. And for you, number three is the way of innovation. when you look into the depth of it, there is a shadow piece that is chaos.




00:39:47:01 - 00:39:58:03


Patricia Lindner


And chaos per se is not bad, but we as human beings oftentimes perceive it as bad as something to get rid of. It's some something to put back into order.




00:39:59:13 - 00:40:30:01


Patricia Lindner


The gift frequency is innovation of course. and. Just talking about that. when you look at chaos, we as human beings, we have this idea that order and that being in a relationship, being in this job, being in this space gives us safety and security.




00:40:30:03 - 00:40:32:00


Laurie Seymour


Happen, which is.




00:40:32:00 - 00:41:11:05


Patricia Lindner


Just this big illusion. Because the big spoiler, excuse me, is death. Because, then all the security of this human mind is gone. And for you, this is so important. And maybe you have a story that goes with it. it's all about the nature of change and seeing that, there is no safety or security in all those human, put in order things like relationships, like job and so on.




00:41:11:07 - 00:41:40:22


Patricia Lindner


And I added another, I added some more layers, but I don't want to overcomplicate. So this illusion of stability is what needs to be looked at. And then when one of our anchor points, for example, a relationship or a job, that looks as if it is keeping us safe is lost. Okay, the hidden chaos shows up.




00:41:41:00 - 00:41:46:15


Patricia Lindner


So it's not like chaos that you can see in ones right? But it's the undercurrent of chaos.




00:41:46:15 - 00:41:49:05


Laurie Seymour


The inner chaos. Yes.




00:41:49:07 - 00:42:31:19


Patricia Lindner


And the innovation piece, the gift frequency is embracing change because everything in the world is change. Everything in the world is spinning. So at the core of every cell, of every being, of everything, there is this whirlwind that is spinning and it breathes, change in into our lives and the outbreath, the exhale is innovation. Because when your order is questioned, then something new can happen and so the the resolution is being okay with chaos being like a child.




00:42:31:19 - 00:42:58:20


Patricia Lindner


Because when I look into my children's room, they are okay with chaos. They are totally okay with chaos. and then it's all about coherence, innovation, really being innovative and coherently just with all of your heart and all of your alignment, innovating something out of this chaos. I don't know how this means you would.




00:42:58:20 - 00:43:25:23


Laurie Seymour


While I've been speaking about the nature of change for about 30 some years. Okay, not no. So that is something. Yeah. That yes yes, yes and yes. And one of the things that kind of came forward and as I was listening to you was around, what happens when we're done? Let's say done a project. We've created something.




00:43:26:01 - 00:43:56:06


Laurie Seymour


Okay. Then it's it's not necessarily chaos. It's like the willingness to embrace change because change is the only constant that there is. It is the only constant. Okay. Yeah. More change. But that the energy of that change is what fuels the next piece. So being willing to hang out when something's complete it, even if it's completed very abruptly, it's like, okay, gotta let this go.




00:43:56:06 - 00:44:14:22


Laurie Seymour


I've let this go. But now what? Our tendency as humans is to want to fill it. We want to fill that space. We want to we want to make ourselves feel better. it's even to the point of, let's say I'm coming. You know, I feel something in my body. And I say, oh, well, I must be getting sick.




00:44:15:00 - 00:44:23:13


Laurie Seymour


It's a it's our way of understanding it, but it's not necessarily what's true. it may be




00:44:23:13 - 00:44:50:05


Laurie Seymour


That sense of there's something new here, and I don't know what it is, so I have to give space for it. And I have to be willing to hang out in the unknown. And and I think sometimes people will call the unknown chaos. because it's not you. Just. You don't have a way of orienting yet with what is new.




00:44:50:07 - 00:45:07:05


Laurie Seymour


And so I'm always feeling like, okay, well, who am I now? And and with that, what is it that I'm to do? What is it I'm needing to do? What's the next step? And that those next steps change all the time.




00:45:07:07 - 00:45:23:21


Laurie Seymour


But and I and I, my my work is about helping people learn how to to do that learn how to be willing to do that. learn how to navigate. It's it's it's constant navigation.




00:45:23:23 - 00:45:59:14


Patricia Lindner


And I think with your experience and it really so it just touched me so much. It is so adorable what you say, because it is so aligned with your chart. And whenever this happens that someone who jokes about things and just light bulb moments go off for me because it's like, oh, I could talk about her chart again and I could really mention this and that because there is this part in you and I don't have to share the screen where, I could share the screen just quickly.




00:45:59:14 - 00:46:06:14


Laurie Seymour


Yeah, it's so interesting to me. I mean, this is not a conversation that I've had before like this. Yeah.




00:46:06:19 - 00:46:37:21


Patricia Lindner


So there are two more, channels, and I never talk about all the channels, but this is this is exactly in alignment with what you say, and that's why it stands out so much. this channel, this, channel between 25 and 51, is called the channel of initiation, and it leaps into the unknown. And that's what.




00:46:37:21 - 00:46:39:18


Laurie Seymour


You talk.




00:46:39:20 - 00:46:40:13


Patricia Lindner


and that is.




00:46:40:13 - 00:46:41:16


Laurie Seymour






00:46:41:18 - 00:47:06:22


Patricia Lindner


Laurie, you having the spirit of a warrior walking your past on your own, trusting your own and knowing, trusting your trusting your inner guidance system, just relying on who you are and what you experienced, what you know, what you sense, what you feel when you are tuned in and tapped in into who you are. You just trust the unknown.




00:47:06:22 - 00:47:09:07


Patricia Lindner


And that's this channel. And I was like.




00:47:09:07 - 00:47:10:09


Laurie Seymour






00:47:10:11 - 00:47:16:02


Patricia Lindner


She just touches upon this channel. and that's so and.




00:47:16:03 - 00:47:46:07


Laurie Seymour


That's my work. My work is to is as an initiator, I mean, I bottom line, the people that I am working with most closely right now are those people who want that level of mastery. And that happens through or at least one way that happens is through initiation, or an initiation smooths that path or creates that path without having to spend the next 20 years discovering or searching.




00:47:46:08 - 00:48:14:06


Patricia Lindner


Yeah, and listening to you is like music in my ears, because I can hear your immense experience and I can. I feel the reflection of your amazing, magnificent chart and all the hidden wisdom. There is so much more to talk about when it comes to all the gene key codes and everything, but it is such a reflection whenever that happens.




00:48:14:06 - 00:48:21:20


Patricia Lindner


I am so grateful because this episode is exactly what is needed to show up. Yes.




00:48:23:02 - 00:48:56:08


Patricia Lindner


She represents her energetic blueprint. She is what I talk about and there is this this great experience that you bring to the table. Of course, that everyone who is guided by you or accompanied, by you, needs to be so glad, so happy, so content, so fulfilled. Because they can totally trust. They can totally trust in what you share with them, how you inspire them, how you guide them.




00:48:56:13 - 00:49:04:21


Patricia Lindner


Maybe you you help them, as a catalyst. That's what, what I just sense.




00:49:04:23 - 00:49:24:22


Laurie Seymour


Yeah. And that's really so beautiful. I mean, that's that's I'm. I'm I'm in awe of how that all comes together because what you're speaking to is so resonant. Yeah. And then it sounds like what I'm speaking to you go. Oh, yeah. Here it here is where it shows up.




00:49:25:00 - 00:49:49:02


Patricia Lindner


Yeah. And most of the people that come for guidance, they are oftentimes just aware of a teeny tiny little bit. You weren't aware of all those aspects. And that makes it such a beautiful conversation because you said yeah, exactly. That is what happened. That is what I'm aware of. That is what I do every day that is my future.




00:49:50:07 - 00:49:58:21


Patricia Lindner


I like that you said you are working with people currently. How can people work with you? What do you offer?




00:49:58:22 - 00:49:59:15


Laurie Seymour






00:49:59:15 - 00:50:07:16


Patricia Lindner


What different ways are there out for people to work with you?




00:50:07:18 - 00:50:36:05


Laurie Seymour


you can find find out about everything on the Barker institute.com website. That's my website. And I mentioned the twice weekly trio meditation. It's a very easy way to, as I said, to come into this whole experience. And it's also a way to regularly have exposure to or experience with this kind of energy and how that is working for you in your own life.




00:50:36:07 - 00:51:01:17


Laurie Seymour


and then there is the, part a couple of courses that I work with, that I, that I have and I teach Terra Touch and Terra meditation as well. And the other ways of teaching Terra meditation. Interior touch is a hands on way of working with the energy. And so it is, another way that people come.




00:51:01:17 - 00:51:29:23


Laurie Seymour


But that's life. That's, that's got to be wherever I am. Or and I do travel around and teach. I do retreats, as you mentioned earlier. I have the inspiration into action, which is a weekend intensive, but it's online now. It's been online for the last couple of years. and then this mastery program, there's a few other things to it, but the mastery program is the one that I am most excited about right now because of.




00:51:30:01 - 00:51:51:22


Laurie Seymour


I'm really working with the people who are out there working with others, but and really want to take that big, big step in their lives. And there's, you know, there's not a lot I'm going to say about what that is. because that's also unique to each person. What gets Sherry, what questions and the way in which they're brought forward.




00:51:52:00 - 00:52:16:04


Patricia Lindner


And that is so beautifully said, because, you are not someone who is looking for a cookie cutter approach. Just apply this methodology and you will get there. It is so tailored. That is what it sounds to me. Tailored. And everyone has a different outcome. Exactly the outcome that they need.




00:52:16:06 - 00:52:18:15


Laurie Seymour


Yes ma'am. Yes.




00:52:18:17 - 00:52:44:02


Patricia Lindner


Wonderful. Just to wrap our beautiful conversation up, is there anything that comes to your mind? So we had so many golden nuggets in this conversation, but anything that comes up, maybe a thought, an experience, a quote, a tip, anything that you feel needs to be shared. Exactly.




00:52:44:07 - 00:52:44:22


Laurie Seymour






00:52:44:22 - 00:53:10:05


Laurie Seymour


I'm checking because my voice just kind of closed up around whatever I was going to say. and yeah, I am still to share it when that's about. That's from the illusion of separation, the illusion of being separate and the truth. And I really am using that word deliberately of being connected. It's like the remembrance of who we really




00:53:10:05 - 00:53:11:01


Laurie Seymour






00:53:11:01 - 00:53:13:06


Laurie Seymour


the remembrance of our own connection.




00:53:13:06 - 00:53:22:11


Laurie Seymour


Never own being loved, being a part of the whole fabric, not outside of it.




00:53:22:12 - 00:53:24:10


Laurie Seymour






00:53:24:12 - 00:53:31:04


Patricia Lindner


Wonderful. Let's stoke that in so you.




00:53:31:05 - 00:53:52:18


Patricia Lindner


Dear Laurie, it was such a pleasure, such an honor to have this conversation with you. And it was just surface level, because I think we could talk for hours and hours and hours, maybe days or weeks, but just to keep it in this frame.




00:53:52:22 - 00:53:54:04


Laurie Seymour






00:53:54:06 - 00:54:13:05


Patricia Lindner


But we we need to come to a close. And I would love to thank you again for being my guest, for sharing your stories, your insights, your, beautiful impulses with me and my listeners. And yeah, just thank you.




00:54:13:07 - 00:54:25:00


Laurie Seymour


Thank you, thank you for guiding us on such a journey today. I really feel like it has been that, you know, it has been a journey. Yeah.




00:54:25:02 - 00:54:32:20


Patricia Lindner


You're so welcome and all I would love to say in the end of every episode. Thank you so much.




00:54:32:20 - 00:54:33:22


Laurie Seymour






00:54:34:00 - 00:54:56:10


Patricia Lindner


Listening or watching another episode of magnificence, the one and only empowerment podcast that strikes image and shines the light on the magnificence of my guests and of course, on your magnificence. And should you want to dive deeper into your magnificence, don't hesitate and reach out. Bye for now.




00:54:56:10 - 00:55:30:08


Patricia Lindner


Thank you for joining us for this empowering episode to continue this journey of aligning with your true purpose and uncovering your magnificence, schedule and illumination. Call with Patricia at Patricia Linder dot com. Please share this episode with someone who needs it and subscribe to the show on YouTube and your favorite podcasting platform. Join us again soon for another episode of Magnificence.






Laurie Seymour Profile Photo

Laurie Seymour

Quantum Connection Mentor

Two-time international #1 bestselling author, host of the Wisdom Talk Radio podcast , Executive Mentor, international trainer and speaker, and Certified Master Trainer, Laurie Seymour, M.A., is the founder and CEO of The Baca Institute. She has dedicated her life to showing you how to reliably connect with your energetic creative intelligence (Source), dissolving old patterns of difficulty, struggle, and self-sabotage.

Over twenty-five years ago, Laurie was honored to receive the stewardship of a special energetic technology that activates your inner connection with Source, raising your vibration (which changes everything) and giving you the ability to create through your connection with the infinite quantum field of potential.

Laurie is the creator of the Quantum Connection Process, helping you build a program, business, and life that expresses your divine blueprint, celebrates your creative intelligence genius, AND gives you the financial flow you deserve with the time, health, and well-being to enjoy it.