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June 3, 2024

Ep33 Alfina Lofaro - The Surprising Truth About Relationships Everyone Needs to Hear

In this eye-opening episode of Magnificence, host Patricia Lindner sits down with transformational coach and kinesiology expert Alfina Lofaro for a conversation that will change the way you think about relationships - especially the one with yourself.

With her signature blend of intuitive insights and practical wisdom, Patricia guides the conversation to the heart of what holds us back from our magnificence. She shares her own powerful reflection that when your relationship with yourself is loving and unconditional, your outer relationships will mirror that.

Alfina shares her hard-won insight that everything in life comes down to relationships. When you get good at them, you get a good life. But it all starts with building a solid foundation within.

Patricia dives deep into Alfina's Human Design chart, masterfully revealing her innate gifts as a Projector with Splenic Authority. She illuminates how Alfina's open centers make her receptive to others' emotions and energies, which is both a blessing and a challenge.

With vulnerability and candor, Alfina shares her own journey of learning to distinguish her feelings from others' and the importance of fierce self-care for sensitive souls. She explains how kinesiology helps bring the body back into balance so it can heal itself.

Through the lens of Human Design, Patricia and Alfina explore the power of the Splenic Center, the seat of intuition and "gut feelings." Patricia shares a fascinating insight about Alfina's "nose" for the truth and ability to smell out lies.

You'll learn about the fears that can hold you back in life, from the fear of inadequacy to the fear of the future or past. Patricia offers a powerful reframe, inviting you to reclaim the energy you put into worrying and channel it into the present moment.

If you've ever felt stuck in fantasies and struggle to bring your vision to reality, Alfina offers an empowering path forward, echoing Patricia's wisdom about the importance of inspired action.

Get ready for a conversation that will crack your soul wide open and show you how to access more joy, no matter your circumstances. This is the permission you've been waiting for to step fully into your power and magnificence.


00:00:00:00 - 00:00:05:08


Alfina Lofaro


Everything that I do, whether they've been leadership, kinesiology, coaching, it's all about relationships.




00:00:05:09 - 00:00:07:23


Patricia Lindner


when the relationship with yourself is,




00:00:07:23 - 00:00:17:19


Patricia Lindner


and aligned one, a loving one, an unconditional one, then the relationships on the outside will definitely represent that.




00:00:17:19 - 00:00:54:08


Patricia Lindner


Magnificence is the boundless expanse of being a liberation from limitation. It is the embodiment of authenticity, where you shed the shackles of self-doubt, shame and imposter syndrome. Here, worthiness flourishes like a vibrant garden where you have the power to determine your actions, destinations, and your closest relationships in the realm of magnificence. Creative individuality takes center stage. Your greatness is acknowledged, celebrated, and nurture.




00:00:54:10 - 00:01:21:06


Patricia Lindner


Gone are the days of mindless conformity. Your fitting in just to keep the peace. This show and your host, Patricia Lindner, are here to guide you as you align with your authentic design, leading the way to a life of purpose and fulfillment. Magnificence is not some unreachable peak or distant dream. It's inside you waiting to shine brighter than you ever thought possible.




00:01:21:07 - 00:01:25:04


Patricia Lindner


Welcome to your magnificence.




00:01:25:04 - 00:01:46:22


Patricia Lindner


Hello and welcome to another amazing episode of magnificence, the one and only empowerment podcast that strikes inmates and shines the light on the magnificence of my guests. And today I have with me the wonderful, the amazing and magnificent Athena. LaFaro. Hello and welcome to the show, Athena.




00:01:47:00 - 00:01:50:00


Alfina Lofaro


Hello. Thank you very much for having me.




00:01:50:02 - 00:02:11:08


Patricia Lindner


So great. It's such a pleasure. And I totally I need to say that you are from Downunder from Australia and this is, it is such an honor to really meet people from all over the world and to have them and their magnificence on my show. That is so great.




00:02:11:10 - 00:02:21:07


Alfina Lofaro


I know, and I've been to Germany, so I and I love that place. So I and I've had some really great experiences in Germany, so I was excited to be here.




00:02:21:11 - 00:02:48:13


Patricia Lindner


Wonderful, wonderful. What a great connection. I would love to introduce you a bit, just to give the audience a little information about who you are and what you do. But there is much more and we can fill in the gaps in our conversation. just to introduce you briefly, and then we will dive into the depths of who you are and how magnificent you are.




00:02:48:15 - 00:03:22:18


Patricia Lindner


Athena is a transformational coach, and I figured out she is focusing on relationships. That is a really major thing in her work. She's a professional kinesiology. She was a teacher and still is a teacher in a different way. She's a mentor and she does leadership trainings. She is coauthor of Beyond Coincidence. That is, one of the latest books that just came out, and she is a motivational speaker.




00:03:22:18 - 00:03:29:07


Patricia Lindner


Hello and welcome again, such a broad variety that you bring to the table.




00:03:29:09 - 00:03:51:13


Alfina Lofaro


You're absolutely right. And I and I think about this often, it's like, how do I sum up everything that I do? But you did it so beautifully. Everything that I do, whether they've been leadership, kinesiology, coaching, it's all about relationships. And my, my, my theory is this that everything in our life is about relationships. And when we get good at them, we get a good.




00:03:51:15 - 00:03:55:02


Alfina Lofaro


It is my little saying when you get good at relationships, you get a good looks.




00:03:55:03 - 00:04:32:02


Patricia Lindner


Yeah, I would agree 100%. And what comes to my mind just thinking of your human design chart, you are a protector and you have a splenic authority. And I would love to stress this in this episode. and you just gave me this hint of yes, it's all it's about relationships. And I would focus on the relationship with yourself because I think that is one of the most important relationships that you could ever take care of.




00:04:32:02 - 00:04:56:14


Patricia Lindner


Because when the relationship with yourself is, and aligned one, a loving one, an unconditional one, then the relationships on the outside will definitely represent that. That's just what came to me right now when I heard you talk about relationships. It's all about relationships.




00:04:56:16 - 00:05:14:02


Alfina Lofaro


It's uncanny that you say that because I just this morning recorded a webinar, a, one hour workshop. And it is getting back what I talked about, to narrow it down. And what I help people do is, first and foremost work on that relationship in South. Yes.




00:05:14:04 - 00:05:18:03


Patricia Lindner


See, that is the clairvoyant part of me.




00:05:18:04 - 00:05:20:11


Alfina Lofaro


Just kidding. Really good.




00:05:20:13 - 00:05:29:16


Patricia Lindner


Yeah. But I, I don't know, I just came up with that and it feels so aligned. And this is the moment where I feel I wanna pull up your chart.




00:05:29:16 - 00:05:32:11


Patricia Lindner


So this is a brilliant chart of a project.




00:05:32:12 - 00:05:48:07


Alfina Lofaro


That would matter. Oh gosh, what's happening with the word master but sounded the final word that's out there. I'm like, I don't relate to that at all. Okay.




00:05:48:09 - 00:06:17:02


Patricia Lindner


So we can touch the master. a word maybe in a in a couple of minutes. What I would really point out is when I saw your chart the first time, what stood out is there is this huge openness in your chart, all the white spots, the white centers, that make you really open and receptive to what comes from the outside.




00:06:17:02 - 00:06:55:17


Patricia Lindner


That's like you having those invisible energetic antennas to the outside, which is amazing. Amazing because you you get it all at the same time as everything has a flip side. It is, something that makes you vulnerable and that makes you prone to being manipulated, of course. But once you are aware of this gift of your openness and you take care of everything that could harm you, could manipulate, you could put pressure on you.




00:06:55:18 - 00:07:36:01


Patricia Lindner


I think openness is such a great, great gift. And, I wanted to before I focus on the spleen, which is like, a crossroads in in your chart. I would love to point out that you have a fully open, Emotional center, which is the opposite side. It's this triangle down there which makes you receptive to all the emotions that surround you from other people.




00:07:36:03 - 00:08:06:22


Patricia Lindner


You feel what they feel. You sense their emotions. You sense what's going on inside of them, which makes you an amazing mentor and friend at the same time. You really need to be aware of the fact. Pay attention to what you see, what you sense, what you let in. Don't be a sponge, but be a screened. Protect yourself and take care of yourself first.




00:08:07:00 - 00:08:19:18


Patricia Lindner


I would love to pass the word on to you if this resonates with you. And if so, maybe you have something to share about that.




00:08:19:20 - 00:08:46:04


Alfina Lofaro


I feel like I wish I'd met you a few years ago, because what is uncanny about what you've just said is you've just described my last decade and that alignment with me being a coach. So, several times across my career, I've gone counseling, psychology, education, and every time I've taken the safe path because in counseling psychology, you're going to be around people's emotions.




00:08:46:06 - 00:09:09:14


Alfina Lofaro


And I'm a I used to say I'm a bleeding heart. I just feel it. Oh, I can't be around that. I'd want to save them all because I'm a model. And, I made I kept making those choices. And then ten years ago, I made the choice to do coaching because it was, let's call it sidebar, because, yes, we would talk about emotions, but we were going to talk about them for a purpose, and that was to route people to what they want.




00:09:09:14 - 00:09:31:21


Alfina Lofaro


And that was it, a package that was sidebar you talked about and I'm like, wow, this is exactly right. Yes, I feel it with people stuff. And it's only in the last two years that I've learned how to distinguish what's mine and what's not, and to be really only because, you know, they talk about our energy. It's about two meters out from us.




00:09:31:23 - 00:10:03:05


Alfina Lofaro


that idea, I'm like, wow, I like it. And my energy space was probably a millimeter away from me. And now I'm fully aware of that entire space around me. But I didn't get it before. And then that's how I would get sucked into so many things. And interesting that you talk about so easily manipulated. I actually, unfortunately, came out of a, work environment that I now understand the manipulation that was going on.




00:10:03:07 - 00:10:31:00


Alfina Lofaro


I understand that that post, the people were not, that was not their intention, but who I am. Oh, right. To be manipulated into. Actually, interestingly enough, getting so far out of alignment, I got so bent out of shape, literally, physically, emotionally bent out of shape, I didn't recognize myself anymore. So it's like you don't wake up and go and it's a crystal ball.




00:10:31:00 - 00:10:34:10


Alfina Lofaro


That's you lack of data. Nailed it. Yeah.




00:10:34:12 - 00:11:08:09


Patricia Lindner


And it is so amazing that we touched this point, because that shows people who listen to our conversation that it's all about awareness. human design or the jinkies or intuitive guidance is not about woowoo stuff. It is really the awareness is to protect your energy, to protect your field, to raise your vibration, to really, get to the other side of it to to leverage the gift that lays inside of this openness.




00:11:08:09 - 00:11:46:10


Patricia Lindner


And then on top of that, you are a projector. You are meant to really tune in to other people's fields. You download their energies and you just suck them in. And it is so important, so important. I can't stress this enough for projectors to really withdraw, to cleanse their field, to really take everyday selves, to take care of themselves and to, disconnect from this other person's or the other people's energies.




00:11:46:12 - 00:12:13:08


Alfina Lofaro


Yeah, yeah, you're absolutely right about that. And I, I only recently found what works for me. And this, is a, another healers work that, sort of learn about my energy and learn about all of this and how to clean that up and how to take care of myself. It's only been in the last year or two that I've really figured that out.




00:12:13:10 - 00:12:34:22


Alfina Lofaro


And, what's even more fascinating by what you say is, like this being times where I will pick that up and I know the word projected and you projected out, but it's like it projects out tenfold. It's like bigger than what I picked up. And sometimes it's like, that's not even what I think or feel like. What is happening?




00:12:35:00 - 00:12:57:12


Alfina Lofaro


Who have I been around where if I've been? Let's go back to who had that emotion. like, is it okay if I share a story with you about a specific client? Because it's one particular day, I woke up at 4:00 in the morning with this overwhelming feeling was like, I know I don't, I don't, I don't know, right?




00:12:57:12 - 00:13:17:04


Alfina Lofaro


This is what there's nothing. It's not worth it. It's the way that I'm like, it's done, I don't know, say no, you're not. The press is nothing wrong in your life. This may not be you by. But it was so overwhelming. And, normally what happens is I backtrack and I go. It was I week that had this energy and then I can go, okay, I pick that up.




00:13:17:04 - 00:13:34:08


Alfina Lofaro


This is how I picked it up. Okay. Now it's time to put it back out. But what actually happened in this scenario is why did that day I had a client, may started talking. I said, hang on, hang on a second is so any chance you're awake at 4:00 this morning? You're thinking it's not, it's not worth it anymore.




00:13:34:08 - 00:13:59:14


Alfina Lofaro


Why am I even here? Nobody cares about me. She started to cry. How can you possibly know? Word for word, am I? I don't know, I just know that it wasn't my stuff. And it wasn't until then that I was able to, like, sleep. He could like sleep. I understand what was going on. So I had these are incredible experiences around that.




00:13:59:14 - 00:14:14:07


Alfina Lofaro


And you're absolutely right. I have to be very nurturing and very, passionate and very kind with myself because the minute I don't do that, it's it's a mess.




00:14:14:09 - 00:14:39:19


Patricia Lindner


Yeah. And especially as you touched upon the mother word in your profile, you are someone who needs to go in and try out things, test things, really live through things. if someone told you, I'll find this is like this and that, don't do it, you would say, but I need to experience it. And that's where you are fully in.




00:14:39:21 - 00:15:00:13


Patricia Lindner


And even if it causes suffering, it's meant to be transformed, maybe into something that helps other people because you want to help other people just from something that you experience. You know it. You you totally can say, I've been there, I know this.




00:15:00:15 - 00:15:01:19


Alfina Lofaro






00:15:01:21 - 00:15:44:13


Patricia Lindner


Another thing to really take care about your energies and to really be in this unconditional self-love state and protection state, of all your energies, I would love to, share one very interesting thing, because that happens not so often that someone comes in with, splenic authority. And in your case, it is really I thought about, Los Angeles Highway with 12 lanes like, everything just accumulates here.




00:15:44:15 - 00:15:57:12


Patricia Lindner


So, so this is when you look at the chart not knowing anything about human design, you can see this is the meeting point. This is where all the things happen.




00:15:59:00 - 00:16:37:17


Patricia Lindner


that is what you can really bring forth from the inside because that is what you own, what you have as an innate gift, as innate energies and the spleen Center is also called the Animal Instinct Center. It's, an intuitive center. And that makes you make decisions in an instant, very spontaneously. You have this little hunch, this hit, this intuitive insight, and then you can, immediately, make a decision.




00:16:37:17 - 00:17:14:01


Patricia Lindner


If you listen to this intuitive hit, oftentimes it is really, very quiet. and when you don't listen to it, it won't repeat itself. That makes it a bit hard. So the most important thing for disciplining authorities, really trusting this intuitive hit that oftentimes whispers, and it's just like those butterfly wings inside of one's, field or heart or belly.




00:17:14:03 - 00:17:33:15


Patricia Lindner


and I would I really thought I would love to dive into all of the gates. I never did that before, because that is so interesting. As you have five gates turned on around the splenic center, and I thought it's worthwhile, talking about the meaning of all those gates for.




00:17:33:17 - 00:17:34:17


Alfina Lofaro






00:17:34:19 - 00:17:40:04


Patricia Lindner


Life, for your professional and personal life.




00:17:40:06 - 00:18:14:00


Alfina Lofaro


Yeah. So, there, I'll share with you, Patricia. Right. That I have in you what you shared with me. Somebody told me, about a year or no two years ago, about the spleen in it being quiet. And so I've. I can honestly say for anyone who's listening to this, that that is 100% correct. And with the noise of everybody else's emotion and everything else that I pick up, I, I could not hear it so well.




00:18:14:02 - 00:18:38:22


Alfina Lofaro


And then, I have to clear up my energy so that I can hear and I can listen. And, it is so quiet. And if I miss it, it is done. And then I am not sure what it's like. It's disorientating, but when it's when I'm clear, when I'm a, you know, I've done my work to clean out my energy.




00:18:39:00 - 00:19:02:01


Alfina Lofaro


It is so powerful. And, and it's actually one of the gifts that I bring to my workplace pictures. But yeah, don't lie to me because whatever it is I smell, it's not over here. It it's the I've been with and I and I, I yeah.




00:19:02:03 - 00:19:17:00


Patricia Lindner


So you have this clairvoyant capacity as well because I want to talk about how you can smell truth and lies as well. That is part of the gates. So we are going to talk about that.




00:19:17:02 - 00:19:21:01


Alfina Lofaro


I've never said that. Oh that's funny. Isn't that.




00:19:21:01 - 00:19:22:17


Patricia Lindner


Great? I think that is.




00:19:22:18 - 00:19:32:05


Alfina Lofaro


I wish that I can see or hear I, but I've never said I can smell it, but it's the truth. So.




00:19:32:07 - 00:20:02:05


Patricia Lindner


so, I thought it is. And I never dove into the gates, but it stood out. It really stood out. And it wants to really stress and shine the light on this magnificent capacity to be this in two, to live person that spells or sees or he is like those animal instincts and you have them all. And that is great.




00:20:02:05 - 00:20:26:13


Patricia Lindner


When someone has you as a guide, you have the openness of sensing what is going on with them. Plus, you have this gift of the splenic authority and all that comes with it. and we're going to talk about that. So, I would love to really open it up in a different way.




00:20:26:13 - 00:20:28:19


Alfina Lofaro


And I hope that works.




00:20:28:21 - 00:20:33:04


Patricia Lindner


Yes, I have this magnifying glass option.




00:20:33:06 - 00:20:34:09


Alfina Lofaro






00:20:34:11 - 00:20:40:22


Patricia Lindner


Which is wonderful because now you can see the splenic center.




00:20:41:00 - 00:20:44:18


Alfina Lofaro


Yeah. Arched. Right.




00:20:44:20 - 00:21:19:03


Patricia Lindner


yeah. And so we have gates 48, 57, 44, 28 and 18. And again I was talking about flip sides of a coin. The great thing is they all represent intuitive gifts, intuitive capacities, animal instinct capacities. At the same time, when you think of animals, they have the fight, flight, freeze mechanism, as their innate thing just to survive.




00:21:19:05 - 00:21:48:06


Patricia Lindner


So all those gates come with a fear. So again, knowing about the fear is amazing and there is no right or wrong, good or bad. That is what I always want to stress. It's all about awareness. It's all about I know my gates come with fear. Excuse me. And when, I face the fear. When I embrace this shadow part.




00:21:48:06 - 00:22:12:04


Patricia Lindner


When I embrace the fear part. Then, I can grow into the gift side. And I can really leverage the gift. And I think it's all about not getting rid of this, this, this and that. It's all about loving parts that are in the shadow and integrating and embracing them so that you can grow into all of.




00:22:12:04 - 00:22:13:04


Alfina Lofaro


Who you are.




00:22:13:06 - 00:22:16:09


Patricia Lindner


I hope that makes sense.




00:22:16:11 - 00:22:19:12


Alfina Lofaro


Light sense? Yes.




00:22:19:13 - 00:22:41:21


Patricia Lindner


Excuse me, I just need to say I had this flu and from time to time I need to fade out because it it still shows its little shadows of the aftermath of the flu. So gate 48, which you can see here, is the gate of the depth. It's like a.




00:22:41:21 - 00:22:43:05


Alfina Lofaro






00:22:43:07 - 00:23:10:02


Patricia Lindner


And it has it comes and this is the gift side. It comes with this natural, innate wisdom that you might possibly be unaware, or maybe you might not accept that you have this innate wisdom because of conditioning and because of experiences. it is the gate of new solutions that you should and could bring to the table and into the world.




00:23:10:04 - 00:23:34:14


Patricia Lindner


The thing is, I want to turn around the coin on the other side of the coin. There is this fear of inadequacy. And these. Not good enough? I'm not good enough. I need to just do another course. I need to study this and this and that. Turn it around. There is this innate natural wisdom that is totally active inside of you.




00:23:34:16 - 00:24:12:19


Patricia Lindner


And as it is a red gate, it means that it possibly is not in your full awareness. So it would be amazing to totally work into that and to grow into more of your magnificence by leveraging this innate natural wisdom that you have. And I would love to always, pass it on to you and talk about each of those gates and maybe get your reaction, maybe your doubts, maybe your questions around that.




00:24:12:21 - 00:24:36:01


Alfina Lofaro


They this is, this is showing up in my life at the moment, because I'm now 46 and I'm in a place where people are looking to me and I'm like, looking around, going, hang on, dining wall. authorities in the rain, man, I know we're talking to you. And so it's it's it's becoming time, in a sense.




00:24:36:01 - 00:24:58:15


Alfina Lofaro


Like I wrote a chapter in the book and and starting to put my own brand out there and, and, and I actually, it's like I'm being called to do this stuff at the same time. I'm having to constantly talk myself through it. It's like you're going to be like, you're going to ride your ride stuff. That's been the goal.




00:24:58:17 - 00:25:31:10


Alfina Lofaro


Now people are going to see it. That so, okay, but what if I have nothing to say? You have something to say to just ride it. But what if they don't like that? So it's constant conversation. It's absolutely nailed it. And I'm just starting to understand that, stories from my childhood, that inadequacy is. Yeah, I, I actually have to leave it behind or I'm going to get left behind in my own.




00:25:31:12 - 00:25:39:23


Alfina Lofaro


Yeah. Goals and, you know, made. Yeah. It's right on the money. It's right. It's an exact example.




00:25:40:01 - 00:26:06:05


Patricia Lindner


And that is so great. And again this is I want this to be empowering and encouraging for everyone who watches this and who listens to our conversation. Because you beautifully share that you are on this path to, really let this show up in your life. All of you are magnificent. And you, you become aware of what is holding you back.




00:26:06:06 - 00:26:09:04


Patricia Lindner


And I want to encourage people that there.




00:26:09:04 - 00:26:10:06


Alfina Lofaro






00:26:10:08 - 00:26:44:16


Patricia Lindner


Wonders full of options. And I just thought about, working with a client that, just said a very similar thing before she was able to show up and to really share her gifts. She would like, but there is this fear. Part of what if I am discovered? What is people, just see the inadequacy inside of there is maybe some failure parts or mistakes that I make.




00:26:44:18 - 00:27:30:12


Patricia Lindner


and that was holding her back. And you can definitely figure out the root cause of why this is active and can soften that and can, really embrace that part. And I don't know if you know about local synthesis or if you talked about logo synthesis before, that is what is my major. I don't want to call it tool because it's like a really a model for growth that allows people to overcome those barriers or those, those blockages that keep them in this silent place of holding back.




00:27:30:14 - 00:28:00:02


Alfina Lofaro


Yeah, that's what I think we did with kinesiology. We, we, we we call, we say we neutralize the charge around us so that you can walk through the world being that or not being that. But it's not that it magnifies and, and and you know, you keep attracting that same way of being so and, the thing that I wanted to share with you, too, that's really interesting about what you were saying about the intuition in this play center.




00:28:00:02 - 00:28:27:08


Alfina Lofaro


And, and this particular stuck the depth of wisdom and the intuitive stuff. I think the way that that translates into what I do is it means that I asked the exact right question at the exact right times, or I would go down a path, and I and I will even say to my clients, I don't know why I need to ask this question, but I'm asking this question.




00:28:27:10 - 00:28:55:04


Alfina Lofaro


I know why I need to ask that question because I heard asked this question. Well, so something and went right. Well, let's go down this path. And and often that is that's what creates the awareness and the transformation. So you're right to just spend the inadequacy stuff. On the flip side, if I didn't take care of you and I wouldn't be talking today, right?




00:28:55:07 - 00:29:32:00


Patricia Lindner


Right. Absolutely. If you had heightened awareness or heightened, senses, when it comes to spotting something and to asking something that is so, so true. When I look at your chart and also when I am in a conversation with you, Darius, this heightened sense of of knowing something or sensing something or hearing or seeing something, I would love to know because you mentioned kinesiology and maybe not everyone is aware of what this is all about.




00:29:32:02 - 00:29:54:18


Patricia Lindner


How just not like, talking to the depths and depths of the the method or the approach, but how would you work with someone who who deals with, let's say, inadequacy? from this kinesiology standpoint, I'm really interested in that.




00:29:54:22 - 00:30:19:00


Alfina Lofaro


So I'm also like, so we buy. It's hard to demonstrate. And in this scenario about what muscle testing allows us to do is tap into the body's wisdom and the body will reveal to us what is the priority, then what essentially what we do using. And it comes from chiropractic as well as traditional Chinese medicine. That's a whole heap of it's H space where it's it's beautiful.




00:30:19:02 - 00:30:42:05


Alfina Lofaro


But essentially what we do is balance what we call the triangle of health. structural. So that's your bones, organs, and, and all of the in your skin, muscles, all those things biochemical. So all the functions in the systems, in your body and then the emotional. So the idea is that if I feel inadequate, that's probably an emotional stressor.




00:30:42:07 - 00:31:00:18


Alfina Lofaro


So that my triangle is unequal now. So what the. But what we do is keep asking the body, what do you need to get back into homeostasis so you can heal yourself. So what does the body need in order to not feel inadequate? Or where does this come from? Like what is that? And that we keep asking the body, what do you need?




00:31:00:18 - 00:31:23:14


Alfina Lofaro


What do you need? And it could be a myriad of things like it could be, we need to talk about something that happened when you were four years old. Really? Could be you're not compassionate for yourself. So we need to balance something. Or there's an idea that new, watched on to in the womb, and we can identify that there might be, an acupressure point that we need to stimulate.




00:31:23:17 - 00:31:48:16


Alfina Lofaro


We need to put energy back into different meridians in the body. could be crystal, could be show, could bring, so many things involved in the body will always tell us what this individual needs to achieve that goal. we start off with a goal and someone who is feeling inadequate rather than, say, inadequate or the things that I do bring me joy.




00:31:48:20 - 00:32:07:00


Alfina Lofaro


Everything my ideas are worth listening to could be whatever goal it is, and we balance the body to that goal so that that individual, every cell in their body vibrates at whatever frequency of the goal is, and that way they will attract and magnetize what it is they want to see in their life.




00:32:07:02 - 00:32:38:21


Patricia Lindner


I love that, so I know, I know why I asked the question because that is fascinating. That is such a holistic approach. You include the spiritual, the physical. with acupressure, you, include the emotional or therapeutic, aspect. So that is fascinating. Wow. So I think it is worth testing it or trying it out when someone feels like I have a blockage or something.




00:32:38:21 - 00:32:43:18


Patricia Lindner


Is out of homeostasis. Tessa's like out of balance, right?




00:32:43:20 - 00:33:04:01


Alfina Lofaro


Yeah, absolutely. Out of balance. It's it's putting the body back into the position that it innately knows how to heal itself. Yeah, yeah. This is one. And it might be. Where is all of that stored emotion. What do we need to do to release it. Yeah. Great. Oh that is brilliant. Brilliant. Yeah. Good.




00:33:04:02 - 00:33:45:19


Patricia Lindner


Continue. There is another gate. So, gate 57 is called the Gate of Intuitive Clarity. That is, that your intuition endures, ensures survival. So you see, this is really an ancient, center. It's this animal instinct that really ensures survival. And the most important sense here is the ears. So you hear when something is dangerous. And so not talking about animals, but about our 3D reality, normal everyday life.




00:33:45:21 - 00:33:54:01


Patricia Lindner


You hear when a sound is out of whack, you hear when someone tells lies.




00:33:54:01 - 00:33:54:15


Alfina Lofaro






00:33:54:21 - 00:34:09:08


Patricia Lindner


When someone is dishonest, you totally hear then not talking about the nose yet. But this is this heightened sense, acoustics sense.




00:34:09:10 - 00:34:10:03


Alfina Lofaro






00:34:10:05 - 00:34:39:15


Patricia Lindner


That's also talking about. Let's turn around the coin again. this gate comes with a fear of the future. So there is this fear of the future in gate 57. And once we are able or you are able, or everyone who has this gate turned on is able to see this, to realize this. Oh, yes. There is this fear of the future.




00:34:39:17 - 00:34:59:14


Patricia Lindner


And we can withdraw all the energy that we project into the future and use it for the here and now. you have all that you need to, to really walk into the right direction with full capacity and the full power.




00:34:59:16 - 00:35:26:02


Alfina Lofaro


Yeah, that is incredibly interesting. Is it very, very interesting because I have used a lot of energy to get to where I am today. And often I look into the future and I go, yeah, what, what? And I do I get there? No, it's really interesting. Yeah. Reassuring to and.




00:35:26:02 - 00:35:56:09


Patricia Lindner


I think it is so important just to, to really share this with the world. Those future fantasies, those future fears, they, they eat up so much of our energy that we could use for the here and now. And so it is with, the next gate we are talking about. It's the fear of the past. And I'm going to pull it up just to not talk without sharing that.




00:35:56:09 - 00:36:33:01


Patricia Lindner


That's gate 44. That comes with the fear of the past. Like you need to look back and have those past memories, those maybe expire currencies that, traumatized you, that, now keep you from living your very best life. And when we have this capacity to withdraw from those food future fantasies or those past shadows that are haunting us, then we have all the energy we need in the right place.




00:36:33:03 - 00:36:34:00


Alfina Lofaro






00:36:34:02 - 00:36:34:15


Patricia Lindner






00:36:34:15 - 00:36:36:17


Alfina Lofaro


Forward, for.




00:36:36:19 - 00:37:08:23


Patricia Lindner


Really using it for a moment to, and, to, to, to really manifest the life that we want. The great thing about gate 44 is it is the gate of alertness. That's the gift. It is this instinctive knowledge of the capabilities of others. And that's the nose that's you smell of who is doing what, who is capable of doing what, who is lying?




00:37:08:23 - 00:37:16:08


Patricia Lindner


Who is, telling the truth? Who is a good fit? So you really smell and have a nose.




00:37:16:08 - 00:37:17:09


Alfina Lofaro


For for.




00:37:17:09 - 00:37:19:10


Patricia Lindner






00:37:19:12 - 00:37:21:22


Alfina Lofaro


Yes, yes.




00:37:21:23 - 00:37:37:20


Patricia Lindner


Isn't that amazing? Isn't that amazing? So if you allow me to, then I, just talk about the next one, which is gate 28, but just press the pause button if I am going too fast.




00:37:37:22 - 00:37:46:23


Alfina Lofaro


Just I one question for you. So you said because it's read the first one, you said because it's read. I might not be in full awareness. Is that the same with gate 44?




00:37:47:00 - 00:38:11:22


Patricia Lindner


Yes. That is maybe you are not fully aware. Maybe you are aware because you worked a lot. Maybe you faced some of those fears or some of those hidden agendas. then you are aware, but the read and now you can see the full picture. But I'm going to pull it up again once we talk about the full chart.




00:38:11:22 - 00:38:20:23


Patricia Lindner


Again, there is the design aspect and there is the personality aspect, the personality aspect, how you present yourself. That's the black.




00:38:21:01 - 00:38:23:04


Alfina Lofaro


You are aware.




00:38:23:06 - 00:38:56:16


Patricia Lindner


that is when human design, is is calculated exactly on the date of your birth and the red part is calculated, round about 80 days before you are born or 88 days before you were born. That's the design part. That's the subconscious part. and it is said that one should really get aware of all the subconscious aspects.




00:38:56:16 - 00:39:19:12


Patricia Lindner


And here it is, both aware and, unaware. So sometimes it comes with both, to really fully live this aligned life. So both aspects are important. Yeah. Did this answer your question very much.




00:39:19:12 - 00:39:22:09


Alfina Lofaro


Yes. Nice.




00:39:22:11 - 00:39:32:08


Patricia Lindner


28 is, it sounds like a fun gate. It's the gate of the game player. that is some.




00:39:32:10 - 00:39:34:15


Alfina Lofaro


Very right being found out.




00:39:34:17 - 00:40:04:12


Patricia Lindner


There is someone who is, taking risks, taking risks because he or she knows what is worth fighting for. sometimes living on the edge. But when you are aligned, aligned with your design, and you are aligned with all the things that show up in your chart, there is no big risk because you have this intuitive knowing.




00:40:04:12 - 00:40:05:17


Alfina Lofaro






00:40:05:19 - 00:40:38:02


Patricia Lindner


The flip side is the fear of death. Once someone is not aligned or someone didn't work through all of those aspects, there is this fear of death that could show up within this gate. Yeah, and last but not least, a very dear to my heart. Blessed I have it as well. And many, many people have it. It's, this gate 18.




00:40:38:02 - 00:40:51:16


Patricia Lindner


That is some something that people should remember. It's the gate of correction. it is a gate. When someone hears it, they they really see folds.




00:40:51:16 - 00:40:54:14


Alfina Lofaro


They are.




00:40:54:16 - 00:41:30:19


Patricia Lindner


predestined to correct. sometimes they are a bit judgmental. but their innate goal or their deep goal is to make improvements. This gate is very much connected to the ancestral history. That's why I love this gate so much. because it is full of conditioning of our past. And in your case, or in my case, especially the conditioning through the father figure.




00:41:30:21 - 00:42:00:14


Patricia Lindner


and it's like you can't cry over spilled milk, but there is this need and want to correct things, when looking back at our lives. So to really improve things for our lives. So when someone has this gate, it's the gate of correction. And it is this gate where whenever I work with someone, we look deep into the conditioning.




00:42:00:16 - 00:42:17:18


Patricia Lindner


the ancestral parts, the ancestral history, and the fear part of it. And this is not surprising. The fear part is that it comes with the fear of authority.




00:42:17:20 - 00:42:18:13


Alfina Lofaro


And I would.




00:42:18:18 - 00:42:38:22


Patricia Lindner


Totally say this is not true for me. I there is no fear of authority. But deep inside there is this conditioning. Just when thinking of. My father is a father figure as a very dominant father figure. there is this fear of authority.




00:42:39:00 - 00:43:02:16


Alfina Lofaro


I was raised to believe that you respect your elders, regardless of whether they're saying something that makes sense or is intelligent or not. And it's only now, as I was saying before, now, in my 14, sir, I've go and hang on. I don't care if you're older than me. If you're saying something that's not right. Yeah, I'm going to start living my truth.




00:43:02:16 - 00:43:24:07


Alfina Lofaro


And yeah, just because you're older than me doesn't give you lower authority. And you talked about manipulation earlier. I've. When I've given away my authority over my own choices, it's all when I prioritize other people's opinions about me over my own. I've run into trouble every time I see. Yeah.




00:43:24:09 - 00:43:28:03


Patricia Lindner


I couldn't link to that. I can relate to that.




00:43:28:04 - 00:43:31:01


Alfina Lofaro


I can relate.




00:43:31:03 - 00:44:07:13


Patricia Lindner


Great. So I think we really made a deep dive into your spleen centers clinic center, the center of the animal instinct, and I thought it would be really interesting. And that's what I just said. a minute ago. Now this is the full picture again. I want to combine two pieces of information that might really be totally helpful or totally empowering and might really let you even tap more into your magnificence.




00:44:07:15 - 00:44:40:23


Patricia Lindner


You see, you remember this was the gate of alertness, which is this instinctive knowing you having the nose for something. You have this full channel, and I just want to touch upon that briefly. It is for me, it is the channel of the entrepreneur. You are the born entrepreneur because you can, sell almost anything to anyone because you have this nose and you have this, willpower.




00:44:41:01 - 00:45:11:00


Patricia Lindner


You have the capacity to talk to almost everyone. and so just to have this in the background, and that is a piece of information that I wanted to pass on to you, the born entrepreneur. And I wanted to combine it with some aspects out of all those numbers. And I said to you, there is this red column and there is the black column up there.




00:45:11:02 - 00:45:40:13


Patricia Lindner


And I just wanted to focus on the 41. And so whenever I dive into that, that goes beyond human design. It goes into the gene keys. And that's the path of the genius. And the conscious son. So this symbol with the spot or a dot inside, that's the sun. Sun and the black one is the conscious sun.




00:45:40:15 - 00:46:10:12


Patricia Lindner


When I talk about Gene keys, they are part of human design. Very deep parts, like, really into the energetic genetic information. you are Gene key 41. contains again shadow aspects, gift aspects and then key aspects. That is the divine gift. And 41 that is. Why are you here? What are you here for. What's your life's work?




00:46:10:12 - 00:46:19:03


Patricia Lindner


And I thought that is interesting. That's why I wanted to combine it with the entrepreneurial line. What are you here for, Elvina?




00:46:20:08 - 00:47:08:06


Patricia Lindner


You are here to turn fantasy into anticipation and emanation. so the shadow part and again, it is so important whenever I talk about seemingly negative expressions like shadow, it is something that is more or less a starting point. Some people are far beyond this starting point, but just having the awareness of, oh yes, there is the fantasy aspect, and fantasy aspect could mean that I'm all in my head, that I'm daydreaming all day long, that I live in my own bubble, that I have amazing fantasies, but they don't really, come to fruition.




00:47:08:08 - 00:47:43:06


Patricia Lindner


They don't come into reality. so genius manifests while non genius dreams. It is so important to dream. It is important to dream. But if it remains only in this dream space, things won't be manifested, things won't come into existence. And this, conscious sun gate comes with the information of. It's all about creating a new chapter in your life.




00:47:43:08 - 00:48:11:05


Patricia Lindner


It's the impulses that show up in your life, and they want you to anticipate what is truly needed, because you have the intuitive capacity to anticipate what is needed in the world. What does the world need? What do you need to present to the world to make an impact? Because you hold the key, you hold the key to all of your dreams.




00:48:11:05 - 00:48:42:22


Patricia Lindner


The only thing is you just need to turn that key. End with gate 41. And I'm going to show you a beautiful representation of gate 41. In a few seconds. Gate 41 invites you to always invite others into your space, because you can turn the key all by yourself. You need always people around to participate. It's about making small steps of progress.




00:48:43:00 - 00:48:51:03


Patricia Lindner


It's about asking for help and it's about taking rest and relax. Time.




00:48:51:05 - 00:48:51:15


Alfina Lofaro


You are a.




00:48:51:15 - 00:49:23:12


Patricia Lindner


Projector and it's about finding homeostasis, about finding balance, not overdoing and not under doing. Not staying in the head, only in the fantasy land, but realizing things step by step. And, becoming active. And this is the visual representation of this gate. And I love her expression. this.




00:49:23:14 - 00:49:27:15


Alfina Lofaro


Is a little bit watered. Me. Yeah. No.




00:49:27:17 - 00:49:48:14


Patricia Lindner


No, that you say it. So I did not want to say anything that you you might be, frustrated, but I thought the warmth in her eyes, the wisdom in her eyes, the brown or dark? Here, there, there there is, there is, similarity there.




00:49:48:16 - 00:49:57:17


Alfina Lofaro


there are a lot. Yeah, yeah. my it's very curly. And if I, Batman create not look very easily and,




00:49:57:19 - 00:50:24:08


Patricia Lindner


I think so. And there is a whole story around her and I love working with those cards because they are so tangible. They let people take action steps into the gift part. And I think for you, that is really so using anticipation as a gift and really sensing what is the next step, what is needed. That is what you are here for and your line is one.




00:50:24:08 - 00:50:36:12


Patricia Lindner


So you are this solopreneur who invites in people to turn the key around.




00:50:36:14 - 00:51:00:13


Alfina Lofaro


that's exactly cool, but I have a five out in public in the last year. around kind of Covid, like the whole path that I'm on right now is exactly that. Wow. Yeah. And very deliberately so. yes, this I could take either.




00:51:00:15 - 00:51:17:14


Patricia Lindner


Isn't that validating? And isn't that opening up more and more spaces of magnificence? That is why I love this work, because it is giving people so much power to step into the fullness of who they are.




00:51:17:16 - 00:51:55:13


Alfina Lofaro


That's right. And you talk about that anticipation. What I see so clearly is that where do we learn how to read deliberately, right. Where do we learn how to had relationship I we got this. But be with ourselves. It's it seems to be accidental or situational rather than deliberate. And I look at a lot of conflict around the world, and I'll look at a lot of frustration in families and relationships and with young people.




00:51:55:15 - 00:52:08:05


Alfina Lofaro


My body knows how to relate. Well, yeah. Yeah. And it may do that. It happened upon it accidentally rather than deliberately so.




00:52:08:07 - 00:52:23:22


Patricia Lindner


I love that you do that kind of work, and that is building me a bridge into the next question. One of the last questions before we come to a close. So you do the kinesiology work. You do so many sorts of.




00:52:23:22 - 00:52:27:21


Alfina Lofaro


Work works in.




00:52:27:23 - 00:52:42:08


Patricia Lindner


and they are very empowering. Everything that you do is very empowering and it is focusing on this relationship aspect. So when you work with people, how do you do that? Do you offer.




00:52:42:08 - 00:52:43:12


Alfina Lofaro


One on ones?




00:52:43:13 - 00:52:56:09


Patricia Lindner


Do you do retreat? Do is you do group programs. What what can people expect when they would love to get to know you really question.




00:52:56:09 - 00:53:27:06


Alfina Lofaro


So up until now, just to lay back to what you're saying, up until now, I've worked for other people and contracted to other organizations and created intellectual property and all kinds of things. This is the first time I'm offering you, I'll say no. And so people can work with me one on one, online or in person if you're in Brisbane, Australia, but online anywhere in the world.




00:53:27:08 - 00:54:01:15


Alfina Lofaro


And I have so there's a couple of things that I could do. So I could work with me one on one with the coaching or kinesiology, preferably the kinesiology, because it's so much deeper than coaching. Okay. I do presentations and workshops and, and happy to do speaking things as well. Come and, work with people in their organizations or, create presentations and coming and then that's on our calendar, I'm going to put it out there.




00:54:01:15 - 00:54:17:00


Alfina Lofaro


So it's six months, right? because I've already understood what that is, an online, I start off with an online workshop that will be the beginnings of, a retreat as well. Wow. Oh, yes.




00:54:17:02 - 00:54:18:01


Patricia Lindner






00:54:18:03 - 00:54:39:19


Alfina Lofaro


So, okay, the vision is. So if I can paint a picture, the vision is, is to give people on the online course a whole heap of tools and skills or relationships that they can learn about in the comfort of their own home and then a retreat that provides them with the opportunity to put them in action. Once more.




00:54:39:21 - 00:54:57:12


Alfina Lofaro


do some decent deep dives into how they showing up in their relationships, some of those unconscious patterns and programs and sabotages and then go back into the real world and have my support, to deliberately create the life that they want and the relationships that they want.




00:54:57:14 - 00:55:04:10


Patricia Lindner


to flow. That sounds amazing. And it will be an Australia retreat.




00:55:04:12 - 00:55:25:11


Alfina Lofaro


Why? Why just think that it was right. It would most likely be in Australia. because I do set it so clearly. I have very lovely people that I would love to work with. you know, people like yourself, like, human design is such a beautiful way to understand how we're showing up in the world, the beautiful way to build people's awareness.




00:55:25:13 - 00:55:46:03


Alfina Lofaro


So having people like yourself like the and that, the, the biggest key to all of that, I educate people around relationships and the more you know yourself and how you're showing up and the way you speak and what's important to you helps you to communicate that out into the world better. And, allow people to understand how better to relate with you.




00:55:46:04 - 00:55:53:13


Alfina Lofaro


And they, it will be with me in Australia, but I'm open to the world, so that's great.




00:55:53:13 - 00:56:00:04


Patricia Lindner


So I just thought, oh, I've never been to Australia. Maybe I can be part of that. And maybe as, oh.




00:56:00:05 - 00:56:00:15


Alfina Lofaro






00:56:00:15 - 00:56:29:11


Patricia Lindner


Into the world, you could be part of our retreat because I'm in the creation of a retreat as well, which will be in November this year, and it will be in the south of Spain. So it's, retreat about personal growth and, relating to nature and withdrawing a little bit and having me time and having cultural parts and good food.




00:56:29:13 - 00:56:40:22


Patricia Lindner


and a wonderful place. It's a permaculture place in the south of, Spain. So you are invited. Maybe we can do an exchange.




00:56:41:00 - 00:56:50:05


Alfina Lofaro


I am in whatever it is, I'm there. Well, I'll make that, And I'll. I'll find a way. That's Julian.




00:56:50:07 - 00:57:01:02


Patricia Lindner


When people would love to get to know more about your work. Want to get in touch with you? Want to sign up for something? Where can they find you today?




00:57:01:02 - 00:57:22:17


Alfina Lofaro


You can find me on my website, Elle Fanning lazaro.com or find me on Instagram and Facebook. There's not a lot of single offerings out there. I think we're it's real for them. But I'm the only one that looks like this. Hello. That's right. it's, quite easy to find bait in this Google. May as well. My website will come out.




00:57:22:19 - 00:57:49:09


Patricia Lindner


encourage everyone to really reach out and get in touch with you and get to know you and then go from there. So my very last question is, is there anything that you would love to share with people out there that they might need to hear right now? Some little gem, some inspiration, some truth that you want to share with the world right now?




00:57:49:11 - 00:58:21:00


Alfina Lofaro


Well. That's a really good question. I really good question. So I talked about this in in the workshop I was delivering this morning. It's about where do you seek joy to experience joy. And I've come to understand through my research and other people's work that, making sure we are grateful. How are you sure. We've got a good relationship with forgiveness.




00:58:21:02 - 00:58:41:06


Alfina Lofaro


And so gratitude. Forgiveness and, love just dropped out of my head. Gratitude. It gives this a trifecta of joy that I like to talk about and like to live in a state of absolute joy and bliss.




00:58:41:08 - 00:59:20:01


Alfina Lofaro


forgiveness. Joy and forgiveness. Gratitude and compassion. There it is. I've forgiveness. Gratitude and compassion equals joy. So, the, that relationship with the the fabric we talked about tonight is that, relationship with ourselves. That and making sure I'm of great energy is like working on my relationship with forgiveness, looking at how I can show up with greater compassion for myself and others in the world, and being absolutely grateful for where I am right now has brought me the greatest vibration of joy.




00:59:20:04 - 00:59:50:08


Patricia Lindner


So I love that would be. We are here to experience joy, and we can decide to be happy because it's a choice and we need to dive deeper into what you just shared. But I think it's so valuable because someone out there might think, yeah, yeah, yeah, it's all about joy. But I'm suffering from pain and X and Y and Z, but it's all about joy, and it's all about really making this choice.




00:59:50:08 - 01:00:17:20


Patricia Lindner


And I am allowed to say that because I experience a lot of suffering, a lot of pain. And I know that you did too, just physically. And I think everyone can do that. Everyone can do that and can, make this shift into a more fulfilled and more joyful, more empowered life and access their magnificence. I totally believe in that.




01:00:17:22 - 01:00:59:13


Patricia Lindner


Athena, it was so great to have this deep conversation with you and to take your chart as an example for someone with a spleen IC authority, with all the animal instinct aspects and and to to dive into the depths of what you do and who you are. It was such a pleasure to have you. I'm grateful that we had this conversation and, I can't wait to reconnect and I hope that everyone who watched this episode could take something away from it and could really tap more into their magnificence and see that it's all about awareness.




01:00:59:15 - 01:01:02:10


Patricia Lindner


Thank you again, Athena.




01:01:02:12 - 01:01:03:15


Alfina Lofaro


Thank you.




01:01:03:19 - 01:01:16:16


Patricia Lindner


This was another episode of magnificence, the empowerment podcast that strikes a match and shines the light on your magnificence and on the magnificence of my guests. Hope to see you in the next episode. Bye for now.




01:01:16:16 - 01:01:50:15


Patricia Lindner


Thank you for joining us for this empowering episode to continue this journey of aligning with your true purpose and uncovering your magnificence, schedule and illumination. Call with Patricia at Patricia Linder dot com. Please share this episode with someone who needs it and subscribe to the show on YouTube and your favorite podcasting platform. Join us again soon for another episode of Magnificence.


Alfina Lofaro Profile Photo

Alfina Lofaro

Kinesiologist, Coach , Educator

As a professional Kinesiologist, Transformational Coach, and eternal educator, Alfina compassionately challenges and educates her clients to step into the deliberate creation of synchronicities that lead to an extraordinary and inspiring future for all humanity.

She believes that “knowledge is power” only when it is used wisely and as an important key to positive and lasting change. Alfina’s clients deliberately shift their energetic vibration, physical wellness, and their mindset, so they attract all they desire and deserve—personally and professionally.
Alfina has a BA(hons) and Graduate Diploma of Education, a Diploma of Professional Kinesiology, and is a certified Coach. She has over twenty-years’ experience in education and facilitation working with young people and adults in Australia and overseas. With over ten-years’ experience as a Transformational Coach and Professional Kinesiologist, she assists individuals and organisations to understand the mind-body-spirit connection, and explores powerful communication tools for personal and professional relationships.

Raised on a farm in rural Queensland, Australia, Alfina’s Italian heritage has ensured she is a fantastic cook, expressive facilitator, and passionate practitioner who lives very deliberately.