Learn more about Patricia Lindner and an Illumination Call
July 15, 2024

Ep35 Elle Ballard - Reclaiming Boundaries and Guarding Your Time

In this eye-opening episode of Magnificence, host Patricia Lindner sits down with Elle Ballard to tackle the often misunderstood world of perfectionism and its impact on our lives.

Elle shares her personal journey from crippling self-doubt to embracing imperfection, offering listeners a raw and honest look at the hidden costs of striving for flawlessness.

Patricia digs deep, asking the tough questions that force us to confront our own perfectionist tendencies. She challenges Elle to explain how perfectionism can actually hinder success rather than fuel it.

Together, they explore:

• The surprising link between perfectionism and procrastination

• How fear of failure keeps us stuck in our comfort zones

• Practical strategies for overcoming self-doubt and taking action

• The power of embracing mistakes as learning opportunities

• Why "good enough" is often better than perfect

Elle shares a powerful anecdote about a time when her pursuit of perfection nearly cost her a major career opportunity, and how this wake-up call changed her approach to work and life.

Patricia adds her own insights, discussing how she's seen perfectionism hold back even the most talented individuals in her years of coaching and mentoring.

The conversation takes an unexpected turn when they discuss the role of social media in fueling perfectionist tendencies, with both women offering their thoughts on how to navigate the pressure of constant comparison.

By the end of this episode, you'll have a new perspective on perfectionism and practical tools to break free from its grip. Whether you're a chronic overthinker or simply looking to boost your productivity, this conversation is a game-changer.

Don't miss out on this transformative discussion that might just be the push you need to finally take that leap you've been putting off.

Get all of the show notes here:  https://www.magnificencepodcast.com/35



00:00:00:00 - 00:00:18:19


Patricia Lindner


you are the wise owl. You are the, experienced role model that does not have to do anything, but just needs to show up and is an iconic role model for, for others, just by being the way you are.




00:00:18:19 - 00:00:55:08


Patricia Lindner


Magnificence is the boundless expanse of being a liberation from limitation. It is the embodiment of authenticity, where you shed the shackles of self-doubt, shame and imposter syndrome. Here, worthiness flourishes like a vibrant garden where you have the power to determine your actions, destinations, and your closest relationships in the realm of magnificence. Creative individuality takes center stage. Your greatness is acknowledged, celebrated, and nurture.




00:00:55:10 - 00:01:22:06


Patricia Lindner


Gone are the days of mindless conformity. Your fitting in just to keep the peace. This show and your host, Patricia Lindner, are here to guide you as you align with your authentic design, leading the way to a life of purpose and fulfillment. Magnificence is not some unreachable peak or distant dream. It's inside you waiting to shine brighter than you ever thought possible.




00:01:22:07 - 00:01:26:04


Patricia Lindner


Welcome to your magnificence.




00:01:26:04 - 00:01:48:22


Patricia Lindner


Hello and welcome to another captivating episode of magnificence, the one and only empowerment podcast that strikes, emit and shines the light on the magnificence of my guest. And of course, on your magnificence. And today I have with me the magnificent El Balad. Hello and welcome to the show El this year.




00:01:48:22 - 00:01:52:04


Elle Ballard


Thank you. It's great to be here. I'm excited for this conversation.




00:01:52:05 - 00:02:16:15


Patricia Lindner


Yeah, I'm excited as well. and there are many reasons why I am so excited. and I want to keep this to praise moment. just for a little while and introduce you first, and then say, why? This is really a special episode in so many ways. I feel it is, in so many ways, a very special one.




00:02:16:17 - 00:02:46:04


Patricia Lindner


But before that, I would love to introduce you and, talk a little bit about you. What's, your profession and who you are. and then we dive into the surprises. Fabulous. The El is a catalyst for transformation. Igniting change in the lives of women across the world. So she's really working globally. She is, dynamic, holistic abundance.




00:02:46:04 - 00:03:24:05


Patricia Lindner


Mentor. She is the founder of the women of the World Network. She is an accomplished author and a captivating speaker who takes her clients on transformative journeys of personal growth and empowerment. Welcome again to the show. Yeah. Thank you. Patricia El. It is such an honor and such a pleasure to have you here because one, I love the frequency, the aura that surrounds you.




00:03:24:06 - 00:03:49:17


Patricia Lindner


your wisdom, your experience, just the way you are as a woman and as a woman. of business. and we had quite some exchange moments. I was on USO and we had some personal contacts. Well, the amazing the amazing thing is we found out. I found out you told me that you are a reflector. Yes.




00:03:49:18 - 00:03:51:03


Elle Ballard


I woohoo!




00:03:51:08 - 00:04:17:21


Patricia Lindner


Yes, I admit, love to really have such a wonderful, amazing woman who is a reflector on my show because I never had to reflect her on the show before. and before I say a word about a reflector, for all those of you who are watching to learn more about human design, you get to know more about, what the types are all about.




00:04:17:22 - 00:04:20:23


Patricia Lindner


I would love to pull up your chart




00:04:20:23 - 00:04:48:02


Patricia Lindner


so that people can see. oh, that is a reflector, because one can see just from the very beginning what this is all about. There are just open centers. It's like a whitewash. and that makes this chart so outstanding, so interesting, so different from many of the other, charts.




00:04:48:04 - 00:05:19:04


Patricia Lindner


There's only 1% of the population that is a reflector. And you are one of them. I say a couple of things about reflectors in general, and then I would love to ask you about your experience and about how you deal with it. That sounds like it's stressful, but it's it's not stressful. If you know about, how to deal with being a reflector.




00:05:19:06 - 00:05:21:17


Elle Ballard


Yes. That's great. Yeah.




00:05:21:19 - 00:05:58:01


Patricia Lindner


So as I said, a reflector is really a rare personality person in the entire world because reflectors are known for their ability to mirror the environment. so with the open centers you have in your chart, you have overall openness in your energetic system. That means you are able to tune into the outer world, into people or, environments around you, and you totally can pull the information from them.




00:05:58:03 - 00:06:29:14


Patricia Lindner


And in the best, case or best scenario, you can mirror them back. So this is a wonderful capacity for someone who is a guide. Everyone can imagine that because, when you work with ill, she totally gets it. Because in every layer or on every level of who you are, she is able to tune in to the emotions.




00:06:29:16 - 00:06:59:16


Patricia Lindner


She is able to tune in to all aspects of what the person across her, brings to the table, so to speak. so this is wonderful for people who surround you, wonderful for people who work with you, for your community. And this makes you, very insightful and, very maybe a little bit like a clairvoyant person.




00:06:59:17 - 00:07:09:13


Patricia Lindner


that sees things that other people don't see, especially in others. So that is the first and foremost thing to talk about




00:07:09:14 - 00:07:37:15


Patricia Lindner


as a reflect their and they would love to ask you and pass that word on to you. how do you deal with that? Do you really sense it? Use it. use those abilities to tune in to other people because there is this aspect of the reflector that all those.




00:07:37:17 - 00:08:04:22


Patricia Lindner


Impressions, all the information that comes towards them could overwhelm them when they are not aware on how to keep boundaries and how to mirror back and not be a sponge, but a screen. So I would love to learn more about how you to steal with being a reflector in a positive, or maybe in a surprising or whatever sense.




00:08:05:00 - 00:08:34:10


Elle Ballard


I love the analogy. Not the sponge, but a screen. there's no. That is such a great question because, you know, before I have really done human design and before I learned that I'm a reflector. I was always interested in like, I was fascinated, the way I can connect to different kinds of people. But because I didn't know the human desire and I didn't understand how that is.




00:08:34:10 - 00:08:56:11


Elle Ballard


And so I thought, everybody can do that. I thought, it's just everybody's, you know, if your human can do that. And because I noticed, just really doesn't matter who I'm talking to, I can like, I feel them, I can connect to them. And it's almost like I, I can talk their language, but I don't have to make an extra effort to do that.




00:08:56:11 - 00:09:25:12


Elle Ballard


Right. So it comes naturally. but then it was until I realized. And then I'm done, like human design, test. And then I realized that I'm actually a reflector that explained so many things to me and why I'm able to do things, and also why I get overwhelmed and also realize, too, why I need to step away to recharge.




00:09:25:14 - 00:09:55:05


Elle Ballard


and I love that's why I love how you said the sponge. Because I have to watch my boundaries. Especially, you know, now, being a mother, being a woman in business, being a partner. I have to. Cater to all of this areas in my life. but I also have to keep my energy on. Right. And so I have to really, protect my space.




00:09:55:06 - 00:10:24:21


Elle Ballard


and I learned how to cleanse. It's sort of, you know, I learned how to. When I'm with me. I, I realized that I can do that as well. Like, I can clean that energy. you know, and but I also feel other people's energy, too. So I have to step away and kind of come back to my own, but yeah, that's kind of how my experience has been.




00:10:24:23 - 00:10:52:17


Elle Ballard


yeah. With it all. also, yeah, it's just so interesting because I, I'm also a visionary. Right? So I love to like, create things and imagine things. But sometimes for us we need to stay. Like, if we decided one thing in business, we have to, you know, see to fruition and then really give it some time before we jump on the idea.




00:10:52:17 - 00:11:07:22


Elle Ballard


So that's where a team, I believe team comes in to helping. And, you know, helping me to really navigate. So there are there are different sides to it. So it's just yeah, that's kind of it's.




00:11:08:00 - 00:11:13:11


Patricia Lindner


So wonderful because you picked up on so many things that I was just about to speak about.




00:11:14:02 - 00:11:40:07


Patricia Lindner


But that it is such a gift to be a reflector once you know it. And that is what you really stressed in what you said. because you can use this gift of tuning into other people and situations with those energetic antenna. at the same time, you need to really be aware of that and set boundaries and withdraw and have time on your own.




00:11:40:09 - 00:12:09:06


Patricia Lindner


and as you said, oh, it is great to have a team of people and to take your time when it comes to, processing something or making decisions. And that was what I had on my mind. usually. Not usually, but most of the time, human design types have an inner authority that lets them make decisions.




00:12:09:08 - 00:12:39:14


Patricia Lindner


I just came across someone who is a projector that has no inner authority, that is a little bit like the reflector. The reflector is all the centers are open, has no inner authority, no decision making authority. So when someone hears that, that could mean, oh, she can't make any decisions because there is no gut feeling, there are no emotions, there is no intuitive sense, there is no awareness of who she is.




00:12:39:19 - 00:13:21:04


Patricia Lindner


There is no willpower that could sound like that. But you have. That's again, there is, a gift in that because you can vary, how you make decisions. But, the best course of action is really to take your time. And oftentimes it's taking a lunar cycle of 29 days and get from maybe people who support you in your business, read something, learn from the internet, read a book, think about something, Journal about something, and really take your time.




00:13:21:04 - 00:13:49:14


Patricia Lindner


So a reflector never ever should be stressed out and making these decisions or making spontaneous decisions. That's a no go, then. Totally a no go. So it is really tuning in to all the sources of information that you have available. And then just tuning into your body, even though there is no way, no authority, you are a human being and you are.




00:13:49:17 - 00:13:56:04


Patricia Lindner


And if sensations in your body and you can feel, what's the best course of action?




00:13:56:06 - 00:14:19:11


Elle Ballard


Yes, absolutely, absolutely. And that's something that I heavily rely on, actually. because, I'm a dancer and I learned in my dancing, I, you know, I, I really feel my body and, but also when I, when I'm working on a new project that I don't know whether I want to bring it to life or not. I notice how my body feels.




00:14:19:11 - 00:14:40:09


Elle Ballard


And so that's kind of what I've been. And I'm glad you said that. I've been relying on that for sure. And I teach, you know, teach people I work with is is it's it's it's such an amazing, resource to have with when whenever we have questions, the body knows, all we have to do is just have that awareness.




00:14:40:14 - 00:14:45:23


Elle Ballard


How are we feeling in that moment? yeah.




00:14:46:01 - 00:15:28:10


Patricia Lindner


So the thing is that you you are so much aware of that. But as you said, if you did not look into your human design, for example, there might be so many question marks or really stressful moments for people with many open centers or even with being a reflector. and that's why I really want to stress the magnificence of a reflector in this case, because there are so many gifts laying dormant and, just being able to be used for other people and for yourself.




00:15:28:10 - 00:15:32:16


Patricia Lindner


And, you just presented that in such a lovely way.




00:15:32:18 - 00:15:34:14


Elle Ballard


And I.




00:15:34:17 - 00:15:39:17


Patricia Lindner


Would love to look at your chart once again, because,




00:15:39:16 - 00:16:22:06


Patricia Lindner


I just had on my mind to build a bridge into the jinkies, which I told you because, I, I wanted to show what an amazing, even deeper system of archetypal information that is. But before I do that, there is one information. There are many pieces of information that I could share with you because we could look at all those, gates so you don't have, defined channels that go from one to the other center, because then you would not be a reflector.




00:16:22:08 - 00:16:52:01


Patricia Lindner


because once they touch each other, they are like two turned on and they are defined. So you don't have full channels, you just have gates and the gates that are either black or red. They bear information as well. And so for example, 11 is someone who has endless ideas and you could have seven lifetimes, to live.




00:16:52:03 - 00:17:23:12


Patricia Lindner


And you have never, ever run out of ideas. Someone who really can, rely on ideas coming out of a space somewhere in your, system. So we could really talk about all those gates, but I thought that's kind of boring. So one aspect I wanted to touch upon is the six two, which is like, your profile.




00:17:23:12 - 00:17:27:18


Patricia Lindner


I don't know if you ever heard about it or if you ever touch that.




00:17:27:20 - 00:17:31:05


Elle Ballard


I did. Yeah, I remember six for sure. Yeah.




00:17:31:11 - 00:18:05:20


Patricia Lindner


And six, that is you were leading line, your guiding line. And that is the role model. Someone who, runs through three phases in their life. So the first phase is as, yeah, until a young adult, like in the mid 20s, you might have been someone who did all the things that she could do, participate in many things, try out a lot of things, test, try, be part of.




00:18:05:20 - 00:18:38:10


Patricia Lindner


So really be involved in many things and really try them out. Maybe even edgy things. Then in the time between the mid 20s and the late 40s, role model integrates all the experiences and withdraws from the hustle and bustle and looks at what is going on, maybe from a rooftop, like, birds perspective, and integrates everything.




00:18:38:10 - 00:19:19:01


Patricia Lindner


There is no more need to be involved in everything, and just being amongst the crowds and experience everything. And that makes a role model still fantastic because you experienced a lot of things, you integrated a lot of things and then from 50 on, you are the wise owl. You are the, experienced role model that does not have to do anything, but just needs to show up and is an iconic role model for, for others, just by being the way you are.




00:19:19:03 - 00:19:41:11


Patricia Lindner


and I think whenever I have someone who has a six as a guiding line, I think that is so magnificent. Speaking in the language of my podcast, because it you, you you don't have to do anything. People will really feel that you are a role model.




00:19:41:13 - 00:20:08:23


Patricia Lindner


And part two is the two. That is the hermit, which, really fits the reflector a lot. That is, you always need time to replenish, to withdraw, to be on your own, to have some me time to relax and, recharge your batteries. before I built the bridge into the. Jinkies. I would love to know.




00:20:08:23 - 00:20:11:18


Patricia Lindner


Just going a little bit back in time.




00:20:11:20 - 00:20:33:06


Patricia Lindner


What I just said about the role model. Maybe even connected to your career. is it something that really, is true for you when you look back at phases in your life? do you agree with the role model line?




00:20:33:08 - 00:21:16:10


Elle Ballard


Yeah, I do, and I think the other I think some people achieve things earlier in life, but that the, the, the six two in my life just really shows me that it's the me it's after 50 really, where I, sort of collect the fruits of my, you know, labor all the years previously. And, yeah. So definitely resonates with, with what you said because just been working towards all of that and I, and I keep saying to people, if you want to do something, start doing it.




00:21:16:12 - 00:21:36:09


Elle Ballard


But in my life it happened so that I kept working towards it. But I started it sort of a little bit later. Right. which experience of all of it contributed in a beautiful way and still contributing? but it just definitely makes sense when you put it in those three brackets. Yeah, yeah.




00:21:36:13 - 00:22:14:13


Patricia Lindner


Then it's so great because I think you really. So, as you said it, it it makes sense for this phase of unfolding, of being a role model with the age of 50. so just speaking to entrepreneurs on their road, how how did your story go? How did you come to this point of really unfolding all your gifts and being in this really radiant, thriving position that you are in?




00:22:14:15 - 00:22:29:16


Patricia Lindner


And everyone can see that when they look at your website, when they go to LinkedIn, you can see this radiance around you. So we're there phases building your business. How come that you do? What do you do right now?




00:22:29:17 - 00:22:55:22


Elle Ballard


Yeah, yeah, I think, you know, it definitely phases. Yeah. I be in, in, in corporate, world before in different industries also, I've been in oil and gas, great experience. great leadership experience. and I already kind of have that leadership in me, from growing up being the oldest child in the family.




00:22:56:00 - 00:23:26:15


Elle Ballard


But, you know, then it really practicing it in the real world, in the corporate, in the night when I came, when I moved to to the U.S, more than 20 years ago, I always wanted to, to do my own thing, but I really couldn't imagine, didn't know what it will be. Because when, you know, when we moved to this new space and country in people in language, even though I spoke English before, but still, it's all this new traditions and culture, you know, we need to give ourselves time, right?




00:23:26:15 - 00:23:49:22


Elle Ballard


To accommodate. And and so I didn't I didn't even know what it will be. And so I finished, business program, I got an MBA. And then I worked in software companies doing marketing, which gave me another great experience into the business world. you know, and, and marketing, and, and sales was in kind of next phase of it as well.




00:23:49:23 - 00:24:19:03


Elle Ballard


But, all of that sort of prepared me. I was more ready to do what I want to do. and it was more clear to me, okay, this is what I want to do. This was this was in my heart. This was who I really, truly am after all these different exercising, all these different ideas. I was ready to do this one because that's reflects who I am.




00:24:19:05 - 00:24:43:00


Elle Ballard


And that's why, the women of the World Network was born. And then, and now I'm doing free, fulfilled Southern Fabulous program. I'm doing international retreats now, to support women on a deeper level, professional women and women in business now as well. And, and just doing that work is what gives me that energy, honestly.




00:24:43:00 - 00:25:13:19


Elle Ballard


Like, I, I love doing this work. and just seeing the results and, and, you know, and creating this, this venues, through retreats, for example, we do in Morocco next year. we did Turkey this year. and I, and I choose this exotic places for the reason being, it takes people outside of their comfort zones.




00:25:13:19 - 00:25:46:03


Elle Ballard


Right. And so it helps people grow, because when we are not in our regular environment indefinitely, you know, we, we grow. But anyway, that's kind of where that all is. And, yeah. And I'm excited to continue doing that work. because I realize this is the work I need to be doing. Again, going back to that mind and body connection and feeling in the body, when I talk about it, it's just, you know, I'm just I, I feel it in my body.




00:25:46:05 - 00:26:04:18


Elle Ballard


Yeah. and so that's why I, like, I love to say just, you know, just ask your body. Like, when I talk to people, I, you know, just just feel how you feel. And sometimes it's hard if you've the person never done it, you know, it's. We get so busy during the day, we just go, go, go, go.




00:26:04:18 - 00:26:18:05


Elle Ballard


And it's hard for us maybe to, to even pause and feel that. But I think once we start practicing that, you know, you like we I'll, you'll understand what I mean. But yeah.




00:26:18:10 - 00:26:47:00


Patricia Lindner


Absolutely, absolutely. And you used such great wording because you said, everything takes it takes its time. And then you said, and I knew that this was what I was meant to do, and it took the time. And you talked about time several times. And this, this brings me such an amazing bridge into, the jinkies, because,




00:26:47:00 - 00:27:13:21


Patricia Lindner


I don't pull up a key chart as I don't want to, confuse anyone, but I just want to tell people, diving into the jinkies is such a great experience, as it offers three pathways where you can learn about your genius and, how to move from shadow frequencies, from fear frequencies into gift frequencies when




00:27:13:21 - 00:27:45:11


Patricia Lindner


it comes to really activating what you are here for, what are your purposes? that is the first, path pathway of the jinkies. And you can see them in the in the human design shot right up here. So here is the conscious sun, which is, gene key number five. When I translate it into jinkies, it's not a date, it's gene key number five that there is the conscious Earth sign.




00:27:45:11 - 00:28:30:04


Patricia Lindner


That is 35. In your case, we have the unconscious sun that is more, a very subtle energy. and we have 22. That is another subtle energy. that is the unconscious Earth sign. The combination of those four is a pathway to your genius, and it evolves from starting with number five. And I don't want to go into the depths of it all, but just give it a little or give the audience and you a little taste of what this can do to someone in for someone starting with the five and the five is all about what you are here for.




00:28:30:04 - 00:29:03:15


Patricia Lindner


What are you here for? What is your life's work? And that was so impressive that you said, we need to give it time. And it gradually, evolved. And so you were jinky. Number five is the gene key of, patience. and in, in the, the seed for, the divine form, it is even timelessness.




00:29:03:17 - 00:29:42:22


Patricia Lindner


So patience and timelessness as expressions of the highest frequencies of what is possible for you. But as I talk about light and gift frequencies, there is also the shadow frequency, frequency. And the amazing thing about the gene keys is that no one needs to be afraid of the shadow, because the shadow is something like a starting point. It is something that we need to embrace that we need to accept that we need to really love so that we can transform it into the gift frequency.




00:29:42:22 - 00:30:19:09


Patricia Lindner


It's like climbing the emotional ladder of frequencies, and in this case, it's impatience. And so you are work. What do you are here to do? Revolves entirely around recognizing, recognizing and understanding patterns and being good with repeating. And, just becoming masterful at something. It's a repetition of a pattern of something that you repeat over and over and over again until you feel like now I'm masterful.




00:30:19:11 - 00:30:40:16


Patricia Lindner


And that leads you to this mastery, which, evolves into such a big fulfillment in your life because without repetition and without this gift of being patient and trusting. And maybe now I stop a stop the




00:30:40:16 - 00:30:43:20


Patricia Lindner


screen share,




00:30:43:20 - 00:30:58:08


Patricia Lindner


trusting that life will expose you to whatever is needed right in that moment in time, and not rushing and putting so much pressure on something.




00:30:58:13 - 00:31:19:14


Patricia Lindner


And we see that in the small things. And I just hope for everyone, and maybe you pull out what is meaningful for you when we stand at a red light or when we are in, line in the supermarket, it always feels like I don't have the time. I need to rush. Why did I take the wrong line?




00:31:19:16 - 00:32:02:17


Patricia Lindner


Oh, just switch to green again. And as if we could really practice, that every moment is meaningful and that patience is trusting in life and trusting in some higher guidance. And you could not even change it by putting so much pressure and stressors into your bullshit. And, when you learn to trust life and to be patient and to repeat things and become master fully, then you have this greatest gift that you can really leverage in this first gene key.




00:32:02:19 - 00:32:47:05


Patricia Lindner


and so you can be a great teacher and guide for others because you radiate this, patience and maybe even timelessness. so that is jinky, number five, in your case, your life's work. And I would love to ask you and pass the word to you. how you experienced that. Or if you are stressed out by the impatience, that impatience that shows up in your everyday life, or if you are in this gift frequency of being fully trusting and patience about every step of your way.




00:32:48:14 - 00:32:51:20


Elle Ballard


I wish I would say yes, but enough.




00:32:51:22 - 00:32:53:01


Patricia Lindner






00:32:53:03 - 00:33:20:08


Elle Ballard


It's it's a work in progress, right? I think I've must the ability of having this awareness and reminding myself about that, you know, I need to be patient right now or reminding myself that, okay, this is happening for a reason. and that is a great ability that I developed and have awareness about, but I definitely have not mastered that.




00:33:20:10 - 00:33:49:21


Elle Ballard


and, you know, there are moments where I'm definitely impatient, especially, you know, when we build a business, we want, fast results sometimes. Right. we, you know, we, I don't know, with anything, really. If we are wanting to lose weight, we want fast results. We don't want to go gym every morning at 7 a.m. or whatever, like 10 a.m., whatever time it is, and just keep working at it.




00:33:49:21 - 00:34:14:23


Elle Ballard


And, it takes patience. Yeah. But yeah, I think I'm still, you know, I'm exercising that in me. And I have to say, I'm doing much better than I used to. ever since I started developing myself and, you know, being really committed to this, to having this awareness in myself. But, yeah, that's that's kind of where I am.




00:34:15:01 - 00:34:15:12


Elle Ballard






00:34:15:14 - 00:34:50:12


Patricia Lindner


And, I think it is so great to. And that's why I'm so in love with those, those gym keys. And there are 11 spheres that you can visit. And we just look at some of them. And just on a surface level, of course, but I really need to say looking at those shadow frequencies and potential shadow aspects, and embracing them and seeing, okay, yeah, now I feel I'm impatient again and I even feel it in my body chemistry.




00:34:50:12 - 00:35:22:13


Patricia Lindner


Because when you're really impatient, you feel it in every cell of the body and just the awareness and allowing it to be there because it's part of your energetic, activation now, just changes it because shadows are here to be loved and transformed and so wants you to see, okay. Yeah. Now I am patient again. I'm impatient again.




00:35:22:15 - 00:36:13:17


Patricia Lindner


is the first step of changing into this patient's frequency and really trusting life more. And, I've been teaching that to a German group that was just out of the blue. and, I guide them through the 11, GP. And now we are, at the sixth or seventh, session. And I see so many changes in the, in the, people's lives because they can more and more embrace both aspects, and they don't want the shadow to go away, but they can sit with it, they can love it, they can embrace it, and they see how amazing they are.




00:36:13:19 - 00:36:34:18


Patricia Lindner


And so their gift shows up and they totally changed. Some of them totally changed in their expression just because of knowing, that's me. That's a confirmation that this is part of me, and impatience is part of you and your give your frequencies patience.




00:36:34:20 - 00:36:38:23


Elle Ballard


So yeah, I love that. I love that.




00:36:39:01 - 00:37:04:20


Patricia Lindner


I love it, it's well, I love it so much. And then just saying this for the completion of everything, there is this number behind the junkie. There is the six, in your case, two sixes which show up as the role model, by the way. And then here are the twos. Would you show up as the hermit in the Jean keys?




00:37:04:20 - 00:37:39:15


Patricia Lindner


It's all about, the lines. It's like, the way you play a music instrument. So when you move through your jean keys information, those lines give you, the way you should play a music. instrument or a melody. and sixes are always very, evolved lines that are a bit apart from the other lines.




00:37:39:17 - 00:38:07:04


Patricia Lindner


and there is, a whole lot of information buried inside the, the different lines that a person has and shows up with. So and in your case, it's interesting to look into that deeper, just for the sake of time, I would love to maybe touch upon 35 for a little bit. That's the,




00:38:07:05 - 00:38:35:15


Patricia Lindner


Dinky. Now, I'm a bit confused talking about human design and the jinkies, the jinky of boundless ness. And I love that a lot. It's the jinky of boundless ness that's the highest expression that you could reach. That's the divine expression of your deepest essence. And then your evolution. What are you are here to learn? starting with the shadow frequency.




00:38:35:20 - 00:39:18:22


Patricia Lindner


The shadow frequency is hunger. And hunger could be taken literally as hunger for something to eat or drink or whatever, but it could be hunger for experiences, hunger for, something. So just being in this rush of needing more and more and more, just not digesting it well, but just being in this hunger, seeking no experiences all the time, feeling so restless all the time and unsatisfied and just dipping the toe into that, this, that, this.




00:39:19:00 - 00:39:45:12


Patricia Lindner


It's like a distraction mode and that's hunger. and we could go so much deeper. But once you figure out, yes, this is an aspect of who I am, and it is not only an aspect for someone who has it in their chart. I think it's a human aspect. And once you embrace that, it turns into the gift frequency.




00:39:45:12 - 00:40:20:11


Patricia Lindner


You could really reach the gift frequency of adventure. And I love that so much. So I go back to to the two of us again. So the frequency of adventure that is embrace ING new opportunities with curiosity and excitement, but also taking time to appreciate those experiences. with this key 35, I oftentimes think of those influencers who take a picture of their adventures trip.




00:40:20:13 - 00:40:51:05


Patricia Lindner


And I know you have seen them as well. It's like having their cell phone and then having a grumpy face and just, here I am in front of this adventure, this place, and smiling and then moving back to normal, not digesting the experience, not really. Living diet venture, not leveraging and just soaking it in with all your cells.




00:40:51:07 - 00:40:55:01


Patricia Lindner


and this is your evolution from.




00:40:55:03 - 00:40:57:17


Elle Ballard






00:40:57:19 - 00:41:14:17


Patricia Lindner


Food experiences. I don't know if this word exists to really choosing with curiosity and all of your heart what wants to be experienced in an adventurous way. Very good. Very. But the yeah.




00:41:14:19 - 00:41:20:13


Elle Ballard


Yeah. So interesting. oh. Interesting.




00:41:20:15 - 00:42:05:16


Patricia Lindner


And as it did so I feel you are much further than just digest that not digesting but but stuffing things into you but really choosing choosing with a tendency of really choosing with this exquisiteness of what do you want to digest either really or mentally or emotionally, just really, Being in this gift frequency and then feeling boundless ness from time to time, that is much connected to the timelessness where the or the.




00:42:05:18 - 00:42:51:09


Elle Ballard


Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, definitely. I've definitely learned to to do that, to slow down. And the beauty of slowing down and also the boundaries, saying no to where I don't feel that I want to pursue, that is something that definitely is been such a miracle for me. because then when I say no to something that is not really necessarily I'm needing in the moment or does not really, you know, serves me in this moment, I can give yes to something that does, and yesterday was, was something that exactly shows what I mean.




00:42:51:09 - 00:43:18:14


Elle Ballard


But experiences such as this. definitely I did. I didn't realize this before, but recently. And it's such a beautiful thing. I guess it's, comes with, we learn, but, I'm also an adventurer. I love the and that's in my, in my, you know, it's just in my nature to travel and be adventurous. and just just exploring.




00:43:18:16 - 00:43:22:20


Elle Ballard


Yeah. yeah.




00:43:22:22 - 00:43:49:23


Patricia Lindner


You know, I think we should really stress what you said about, saying no, because there could be, a really golden nugget for someone because you said that was a game changer. Something like it was a game changer. Because oftentimes people, especially when they have this tendency of pleasing others, saying no is like, oh, I'm not allowed to say no.




00:43:49:23 - 00:44:00:15


Patricia Lindner


I need to just adjust and say yes to everything that is presented. I need to be part of that. I need to swallow that bitter pill,




00:44:00:17 - 00:44:14:12


Elle Ballard


Or feeling like they're missing out on some saying it constantly. I don't want to miss this, but then, yeah, it's at the end of the day, it's just, then, you know, it's easy to get burned out and an.




00:44:14:16 - 00:44:23:22


Patricia Lindner


Outcome that you realized saying no is such a game changer. And how did it change your game?




00:44:24:00 - 00:44:53:11


Elle Ballard


Yeah. So before I, I was actually the one who would always want to say yes, that the to to everything that comes my way, you know, and that's how I was taught to, you know, but then I've realized that with everything that's coming into my plate, it, you know, the energy gets my energy gets confused, I get confused or whatever, and and I then I get I get tired, I get burned out.




00:44:53:11 - 00:45:19:16


Elle Ballard


That's a lot of things. And then I don't give enough of myself to the areas that really matter to me. you know, areas of my life where it comes to my family, maybe, or to the business where what I really want in my business for this next level or this next step, or this next year or this next month's to really give proper energy to that.




00:45:19:18 - 00:45:47:07


Elle Ballard


because everything would take takes energy, everything would do, takes about, oh, our energy, our time. yeah. And then this really concept of this, the the wealth of time, like the time, you know, the. Well, just time is about like, you know, is. So when we do everything from understanding that, you know, our time is really our wealth.




00:45:47:09 - 00:46:07:22


Elle Ballard


And what do we want to do with this time? And I think that's what changed that for me. And then I've and, and I am one of those people like, I don't want to I don't want to offend anybody. Right. Like you used to. But then I realized, no, I have to, to maintain myself. And that's where I started really putting the boundaries to everything.




00:46:07:22 - 00:46:37:12


Elle Ballard


And then I realized, wow, that's just so beautiful. Because then I really feel my myself and I give back to myself. Yeah. And therefore continuing to give to others. Plus, being a reflector, it also serves me a great deal of cleansing myself. just being with myself, even if it's like I like to get out to the mountains for a few hours where there is no you don't hear cars, you don't hear people talking.




00:46:37:12 - 00:47:03:20


Elle Ballard


It's just birds. and I just like to get away there, especially if I'm working on some kind of decisions that I need to make or project. so I love those things. And so for me, once I started getting time more there, I realized, wow, this is awesome. But also the main thing, at the end of the day, that keeps me moving forward, that keeps me achieving my goals.




00:47:03:22 - 00:47:10:23


Elle Ballard


and so yeah. And so it's a beautiful thing to be able to say no, I actually had a podcast on that, being able to say more no's.




00:47:11:01 - 00:47:13:02


Patricia Lindner


Or we should click it to the brain.




00:47:13:04 - 00:47:14:18


Elle Ballard


Yeah. yeah.




00:47:14:20 - 00:47:15:11


Patricia Lindner


To, you know, to.




00:47:15:11 - 00:47:22:00


Elle Ballard


Maintain our more of our cells and really just to get to know ourselves.




00:47:22:02 - 00:47:22:08


Patricia Lindner






00:47:22:08 - 00:47:34:17


Elle Ballard


Because sometimes we don't even know. We get so busy. Just go oh. And it's. Yeah. I think a lot of information, it was coming at us from different channels, right, right.




00:47:34:17 - 00:48:01:03


Patricia Lindner


I think knowing yourself is the, the, the biggest gift that you can give to yourself. Because as you said, as I reflect or it is so important to say no, but not just as a reflector, anyone needs to say yes to themselves first and not yes to anyone out there, because it is our task and our job to stay in alignment and to feel happy and to feel fulfilled.




00:48:01:03 - 00:48:14:22


Patricia Lindner


And we are not here to please others now. We are not here to adjust. It's all about having this frequency of feeling fulfilled and feeling aligned. And I just consider aligned when I know who I am.




00:48:15:00 - 00:48:15:15


Elle Ballard


Yeah, exactly.




00:48:15:15 - 00:48:29:21


Patricia Lindner


I can attract more of that. And you said the gift of time or running out of time is a big one, because the big wealth is in having time for things that you really.




00:48:29:21 - 00:48:31:08


Elle Ballard


Matter, right? No, no, that.




00:48:31:09 - 00:48:32:20


Patricia Lindner


That really matter.




00:48:32:22 - 00:48:34:10


Elle Ballard


Yeah, yeah.




00:48:34:12 - 00:48:46:18


Patricia Lindner


And when you said that I had one more question on my mind, when you work with people and you said the name of your program, it had to do with flourish. What? What is it?




00:48:46:18 - 00:48:51:15


Elle Ballard


What is that free to a free, be free. Be fulfilled and be fabulous. Yes.




00:48:51:18 - 00:49:25:20


Patricia Lindner


Fabulous. Fabulous. Be free. Be fulfilled and fabulous. everything we talked about this aspect of saying no, setting boundaries, the wealth of time, which is the real abundance we have. is this part of your program, all your experiences and all your wisdom and all that you know about that and that you just experienced yourself? Is this part of the program or what is it about now?




00:49:25:20 - 00:49:56:03


Elle Ballard


It is part. Yeah. it is part of the program. So I cover it in the fabulous section where we really take time to self-care to refill our own cup, instead of just, you know, costs and giving. I bring my favorite bio hacks to, like, for self-care. I, some of them I do. and then in the freedom section, I do cover the inner freedom and the out of freedom and the eon of freedom is what I cover.




00:49:56:03 - 00:50:24:08


Elle Ballard


You know, things like saying no things like, when we here to when we hear our own voice or when we know ourselves. And that's the work you do through, you know, human design, Patricia and and Jinky, which is so beautiful because, it's important for us to, to understand who we are and cater to that. And then once we understand, we can deal with and in the inner freedom, I, you know, I talk about imposter, right?




00:50:24:10 - 00:50:50:01


Elle Ballard


I talk about the perfectionism. I mean, those things that we work on, that unless we bring light to that, we might not even be realizing some of it is programing that is been sitting in us. And once we unless we again unless we go there, we don't understand. We we might not realize what's holding us back. Right. And those kind of things we work on in the, in the freedom.




00:50:50:03 - 00:51:21:15


Elle Ballard


And then of course, fulfillment is taking all of that and doing the work that we are destined to be doing. again, knowing, you know, who we are, understanding who we are, understanding where we come from to, and then based on all of that, you know, doing the work that we supposed to be doing, because each one of us is so unique and amazing, and sometimes we forget again, we forget that because we don't we don't know enough about ourselves.




00:51:21:15 - 00:51:54:01


Elle Ballard


We have imposter. We are closing ourselves, and we are stopping ourselves from pursuing that. For some reason or whatever reason, it is, to really live in our full, full glory, right? Like who we truly, fully are. and that's what that program is about, just encompassing all of those areas. And I couldn't really separate one from the other because I think all of them tie in together.




00:51:54:01 - 00:52:19:09


Elle Ballard


Yeah. And, you know, time is our wealth. And being able to, to, to fully leave, just imagine that kind of live. Right. And so but when we, when we realize that fully and we embrace that fully, that's where the beauty comes in, into everything we're doing. So, I feel that, you know what?




00:52:19:09 - 00:52:54:07


Patricia Lindner


I, I constantly really can't say every millisecond of what you said about and talked about, I thought, like, we are 100,000% in sync because that is exactly. Yes, what I do with people. And it's to in different ways. But yeah, said and where this comes from and why we say no to ourselves and why we, make decisions that, just eat up our time or our soul.




00:52:54:09 - 00:53:29:13


Patricia Lindner


and I remember vividly that in my life and probably in yours as well, you exactly knew that this is not a good decision. This does not feel right. And then the conditioned mind sits in and says, just go for it. Just do it. You need until it just be successful, just make this choice. But there was this moment and we are so disconnected from listening to this inner wisdom and in a knowledge, in body wisdom and soul wisdom.




00:53:29:15 - 00:53:38:05


Patricia Lindner


It is in everyone, and everyone hears that voice, but most of the time we cover it up with cover it up.




00:53:38:07 - 00:54:01:21


Elle Ballard


We just we discounted. We think, oh, it's just it's just some coincidence. Yeah. Or it cannot be. So we discounted and so instead we should go there and okay. What is said about. Right. and you mentioned body wisdom by the way. That's huge. so important. And it doesn't have to be any specific, it specific, type of whatever that person enjoys.




00:54:01:21 - 00:54:27:17


Elle Ballard


Right? I bring dancing modalities into that program. And so that's adds a whole body, wisdom body medicine I like to call, you know, and it's, it's incorporating all of that and then bring different type of dancing modalities. It's not about the technique of it. It's really just about that feeling that we get, in our body.




00:54:27:17 - 00:54:44:11


Elle Ballard


And so. Yeah, so beautiful. I definitely from the moment I met you, Patricia, and we started speaking, I definitely followed the, you know, synchronicity between, all of it that we do. It's just so beautiful. and we are on the other side of the closet.




00:54:44:13 - 00:55:17:06


Patricia Lindner


That's actually on the other side, but who knows? Who knows? And there is the internet, and we can have those beautiful conversations. And she is them with the world. And you do dancing. I do soul art, which is connecting people with their body. And we should definitely talk about everything in detail and more and, just leverage the wisdom and the experience that we want to bring into the world and share it with the world in this true alignment of who we are.




00:55:17:07 - 00:55:37:12


Patricia Lindner


You as a reflector, me as a manifesting generator. yes. Now, I love that. Before we wrap it up, how can people find you? Where can they find you? What can they expect? What is it that you offering, To let us know?




00:55:37:14 - 00:56:00:07


Elle Ballard


Yeah. Thank you. so El balor.com is my website, and everything's pretty much on the website. you can come to our monthly meeting if you go to women of the World Network. there is a whole calendar of all the meetings that we have. the books we do in our community. there is also the program conversation.




00:56:00:07 - 00:56:21:15


Elle Ballard


If you're interested in that program, I'd be happy to, talk to where the needs are. I thought, you know, there is a fit and then, of course, retreats. and then that one is, we just did, Turkey Retreat, and we do Miracle in Spring two, 2025 and, yeah, very excited. But yeah, it is. Everything is pretty much on my website.




00:56:21:17 - 00:56:31:02


Elle Ballard


And thank you so much, Patricia, for having me today on your podcast. it's been it's been, it's been so interesting to kind of dive deep.




00:56:31:02 - 00:56:32:16


Patricia Lindner


Into who it.




00:56:32:16 - 00:56:39:13


Elle Ballard


Is I am. It's, I love how you take that angle. It's, you know, for your podcast, so. Thank you.




00:56:39:15 - 00:57:04:14


Patricia Lindner


You're so welcome. Deep, but still, on a surface level, because we don't have the time. And it was such an honor to have you here. It was so much magnificent to have you here. and I can't wait to share this episode with the world. So thank you again for talking about all your experiences, all your wisdom, and I highly encourage people to reach out to you.




00:57:04:16 - 00:57:36:17


Patricia Lindner


Your website is brilliant because it is so easy to handle. You find everything and it just radiates what you are all about. I can highly encourage people to go there. Yeah, so thank you again and thank you for watching this episode or listening to this episode. of magnificence, the one and only empowerment podcast that strikes MH and shines a light on the magnificence of my guests and on your magnificence.




00:57:36:19 - 00:57:39:22


Patricia Lindner


See you soon. Talk to you soon. Bye for now.




00:57:39:22 - 00:58:13:21


Patricia Lindner


Thank you for joining us for this empowering episode to continue this journey of aligning with your true purpose and uncovering your magnificence, schedule and illumination. Call with Patricia at Patricia Linder dot com. Please share this episode with someone who needs it and subscribe to the show on YouTube and your favorite podcasting platform. Join us again soon for another episode of Magnificence.






Elle Ballard Profile Photo

Elle Ballard

Founder, Author, Speaker

Elle is a catalyst for transformation, igniting change in the lives of women across the world. She is a dynamic Holistic Abundance Mentor, Founder of the Women of the World Network®, accomplished author, and a captivating speaker who takes her clients on transformative journeys of personal growth and empowerment.