Learn more about Patricia Lindner and an Illumination Call
Aug. 25, 2024

Ep37 Mark Bentley - Unlocking Your Prosperity Code & Embracing Trauma to Thrive

Mark Bentley, Human Design and Gene Keys guide, reveals how our genetic makeup holds the key to personal and financial abundance. But it's not what you think.

In this riveting conversation with host Patricia Lindner, Mark challenges conventional wisdom about charity, expertise, and personal growth. He argues that true prosperity comes from an overflowing cup, not an empty one.


Patricia's artistic approach to Human Design charts provides a fresh perspective, uncovering hidden talents and potential in Mark's profile. Her insights spark a discussion on the nature of expertise and the importance of continuous learning.


Mark shares his journey from self-sabotage to self-acceptance, explaining how the fear of being labeled a "cult leader" actually masked a deeper purpose. He emphasizes the power of trusting one's innate wisdom and the courage to speak authentically.


The conversation takes an unexpected turn when discussing charity. Mark proposes a radical reframing of charitable giving, suggesting that true charity stems from abundance rather than scarcity. He challenges listeners to reconsider their approach to helping others.


Patricia and Mark explore the concept of "bio photons" in DNA, linking it to personal authenticity and alignment. Their discussion reveals how embracing one's true nature can lead to a radiant, magnetic presence that positively impacts others.


This episode offers a unique blend of practical advice and philosophical insights, encouraging listeners to view their challenges as opportunities for growth. Mark's vulnerability in sharing his own struggles provides a relatable context for these profound ideas.


Listeners will come away with:

- A new perspective on personal and financial abundance

- Tools for reframing challenges as opportunities

- Insights into authentic leadership and charitable giving

- A deeper understanding of Human Design and Gene Keys principles


Whether you're familiar with Human Design or new to the concept, this conversation offers valuable insights for anyone seeking to live a more aligned and prosperous life.


Find all the show notes and links here: https://www.magnificencepodcast.com/37


00:00:00:00 - 00:00:02:12
Mark Bentley
if people are doing this work to try and escape the pain,

00:00:02:13 - 00:00:08:06
Mark Bentley
sooner or later it actually shifts to being. Can pain actually be ecstatic?

00:00:08:06 - 00:00:09:06
Mark Bentley
Can we actually

00:00:09:06 - 00:00:10:02
Mark Bentley

00:00:10:02 - 00:00:12:07
Mark Bentley
the heartbreak on a deeper level?

00:00:12:08 - 00:00:48:21
Patricia Lindner
Magnificence is the boundless expanse of being a liberation from limitation. It is the embodiment of authenticity, where you shed the shackles of self-doubt, shame and imposter syndrome. Here, worthiness flourishes like a vibrant garden where you have the power to determine your actions, destinations, and your closest relationships in the realm of magnificence. Creative individuality takes center stage. Your greatness is acknowledged, celebrated, and nurture.

00:00:48:23 - 00:01:15:19
Patricia Lindner
Gone are the days of mindless conformity. Your fitting in just to keep the peace. This show and your host, Patricia Lindner, are here to guide you as you align with your authentic design, leading the way to a life of purpose and fulfillment. Magnificence is not some unreachable peak or distant dream. It's inside you waiting to shine brighter than you ever thought possible.

00:01:15:20 - 00:01:19:17
Patricia Lindner
Welcome to your magnificence.

00:01:19:17 - 00:01:39:14
Patricia Lindner
Hello and welcome to another amazing episode of magnificence, the one and only empowerment podcast that strikes and shines the light on the magnificence of my guests. And today I have with me the magnificent Mark Bentley. Hello and welcome to the show.

00:01:39:16 - 00:01:49:03
Mark Bentley
Now, Patricia, it's a real honor genuinely, to to be invited on your podcast. And I've been looking forward to this. Yes. What a Nancy. Well unravels.

00:01:49:05 - 00:02:13:10
Patricia Lindner
I've been looking forward to this as well. And, so it is such a big honor to have you because I totally, totally love the work you do. And before we dive into all of your magnificence, I would love to introduce you briefly and really briefly because people will get to know you during the course of what we talk about.

00:02:13:10 - 00:02:41:16
Patricia Lindner
And they will definitely. And, so this is my big promise. They will sense the light you radiate and the wisdom you radiate. And so I, I would love to only say about you. And this is not to make it, short, but Mark. Mark Bentley is, human design and Dean keys guide with a keen eye for the future.

00:02:41:18 - 00:02:56:09
Patricia Lindner
And, he is on a mission to serve humanity in such an amazing way to make the world a better place for everyone. Welcome again to the show, Mark.

00:02:56:11 - 00:03:00:20
Mark Bentley
Well, it sounds like a nice guy. I'm looking forward to getting to meet him.

00:03:00:22 - 00:03:41:06
Patricia Lindner
He definitely is. He definitely is. And, Mark, I told you before, I press the record button, this show is going to be a special edition because this is very different. Usually I have people as guests on my show that might not even know anything about human design, or the jinkies or that might have had this strange experience. Maybe not even a satisfying one with, a reading of jinkies or human design most of the times, human design.

00:03:41:08 - 00:04:13:07
Patricia Lindner
And so I shine the light on their chart, on their profile. On a definitely surface level. In this session that we have together this episode and today I have someone who is an expert who is a wisdom keeper, who is someone who, is so experienced in both Jinkies and Human Design. And so I had a couple of thoughts.

00:04:13:08 - 00:04:43:03
Patricia Lindner
First thing in the morning when I woke up, I was like, this is going to be really special. And then I needed to run down to my office and jot down the four special points. And I wrote down. This is such an amazing special episode, because why the heck am I inviting a specialist? I want to be the expert on my show, but it's not all about that.

00:04:43:05 - 00:05:11:16
Patricia Lindner
It's all about no competition. And I think that is what I want to present to the world. It's not about competition. It's not about, oh, I'm going to present a human design and gene expert. And then everyone is rushing to him. I want to really push that forward and show people it's not about competition. There is no competitive edge here.

00:05:11:18 - 00:05:49:01
Patricia Lindner
It's about shining the light on your magnificence because the way you do it. And I had a reading with you, which was so enlightening. And this is the next point that came up when people feel they are the expert in a field or they know a lot about things, why don't they invite someone into their space to show them a different perspective, to even become better at what they do or to have some light be shown into some shadow spaces and places so that they can develop.

00:05:49:03 - 00:06:20:06
Patricia Lindner
And so this is, another thought that I had on my mind. So I totally love diving into the depths with you. And, Yeah, making it a very special episode. The other thing is this gives me and the US the opportunity to, shine the light on the jinkies and on human design in a very different way.

00:06:20:07 - 00:06:50:22
Patricia Lindner
And not this, print out version of 80 pages, and you put it in a drawer, and you never look back because it was so confusing and cryptic. It can be so practical. And that was another reason why I invited you. Because I know you're all about practicability and really making it something that you can lift. Really live your genius.

00:06:50:23 - 00:07:24:00
Patricia Lindner
That is what you say. You say and live your genius. And the last thought that I had. And I need to look down. It's about. Busting the myths that are out there around gene keys and human design. Because I oftentimes meet experts that say, you just need to have a brief look at your jinkies chart or your human design chart.

00:07:24:00 - 00:07:48:01
Patricia Lindner
And then I can tell you exactly how to promote your business, and you're going to get all the money flowing, just within a session or two. And I would love to look at that as well. And, I have another thought, but I want to hold it back for now. So I want to pause, on the word to you.

00:07:48:03 - 00:07:58:15
Patricia Lindner
After this brief introduction to this special episode and how these aspects resonate with you.

00:07:58:17 - 00:08:34:22
Mark Bentley
Well, I'm I'm looking forward to this, even one and every one of those points we can dive deep into. But the one thing is, even as you was saying, the word expert, I noticed there's a part of my body that almost wants to shrug that off and go to commit. And really, when I drop into that, this idea of expert really, for me, I guess that concept has evolved to the point that to be an expert, it almost requires, paradoxically, to realize that I'm never going to be an expert.

00:08:35:00 - 00:08:56:01
Mark Bentley
You know, it's kind of I spend a lot of my life chasing all of this knowledge and wisdom and going to the edge of the universe to to try and find the answers to everything and at every stage of the way I thought I was, I thought I was the master of something, until all of a sudden, like you say, a new perspective comes in.

00:08:56:02 - 00:09:25:22
Mark Bentley
And yet it often does come from other people that are mastering different areas, such as Richard, Rod or Root, or who in human design, but it also comes from the children around us, comes from nature, around us, the learnings and the lessons of everywhere. And so for me, it's to be an expert is is really a step along the pathway to becoming a true beginner in the journey of, of of learning and discovering what.

00:09:26:00 - 00:09:55:19
Patricia Lindner
So now I remember why I invited you to be a guest on the show. Because every word and that is so strange, and I want to really say from my heart of hearts resonates so much. And the words you choose, they they have some secret. I would love to say mystical power, at least when it comes to me.

00:09:55:21 - 00:10:27:11
Patricia Lindner
So I. I totally feel that. And I see the visuals when you speak. I see so many visuals when you speak. And I love that you are so humble and you say, expert is being on a this path to a next level and another layer and another layer. And, for me, this was, already an invitation to shine a little light on your, human design chart.

00:10:27:11 - 00:10:45:02
Patricia Lindner
and the body graph and the way I look at it. So the, the very first thing that I do is I take it in as a piece of artwork. That is whenever I look at a chart, and when I.

00:10:45:03 - 00:10:56:04
Patricia Lindner
Looked at your chart, what stood out was, your throat chakra, the the throat center.

00:10:56:06 - 00:11:51:14
Patricia Lindner
The manifestation center. And I was like, really drawn to it and drawn to, this connection to your mind. So and this is not, in-depth knowledge about human design. That's just showing my approach and sharing it with you to maybe, give you my perspective in this, special episode. It's like, really you sharing from what you know, your wisdom, your knowledge, and you sharing from your heart of hearts, from who you are, from what you know, from your, cells, your being, beingness, and being able to share that with the world.

00:11:51:16 - 00:12:17:11
Patricia Lindner
And that was the first impression. And then when I did some research to just prepare the session a little bit, and I wanted to find a nice way to introduce you to the audience. Then I came across, a quote by Richard Rudd about you, and I wanted to read it out because that resonated so much with my first impression of your chart.

00:12:17:13 - 00:12:51:09
Patricia Lindner
And Richard said, Mark is a man with an amazing brain, connected to an amazing heart. I was like, yes, that's it, and that's it. And I see the genius, the genius when I look at, the, the connection, the the channels between your brain, your computer and the connections between the cells and, and your, throat center and.

00:12:51:10 - 00:12:53:22
Patricia Lindner
Wow. Yeah.

00:12:54:00 - 00:12:54:18
Mark Bentley
I just jump in there.

00:12:54:18 - 00:12:56:00
Patricia Lindner
Patricia, please.

00:12:56:06 - 00:13:17:17
Mark Bentley
And as you were reading those words, you know how it is. You can have all these amazing things in life. And then the moment passes and you move on to the next thing, and life goes along, and and I recognize those words. When you started reading the testimonial from Richard, that's on my website. And, and two things landed.

00:13:17:19 - 00:13:42:17
Mark Bentley
One, there's something special about you reading and listening as a participant in this, as opposed to me reading the words and that they they landed deeper. And I have never put together what you just put together when you saw those words and what you see in my human design profile, Richard Rudd has not seen my human design profile that I am aware.

00:13:42:19 - 00:14:04:17
Mark Bentley
So he was not making that reference based on anything to do with my human design profile. And so it's really interesting how, you know, over the years of doing this work with human design changes, I'm one of the greatest skeptics of my own work and always have been. I question every and from a place of curiosity. If it's wrong, great means I get to go deeper.

00:14:04:17 - 00:14:32:21
Mark Bentley
Let's find something new and it's these synchronicities like I just experienced with you sharing that just then that really helps crack through into those next levels. And his evidence for me personally, it's it's I would go as far as to say it's almost mathematical evidence when you get to see these different things. Line up. And yeah, so so that was a really special moment.

00:14:33:01 - 00:14:34:07
Mark Bentley
So thank you.

00:14:34:09 - 00:15:04:12
Patricia Lindner
You're so welcome. And for me that was like oh, so I look with the eye of an artist. And then Richard Rud is this amazing expert says something that I discovered just by looking at your chart with his own words. And so I love the synchronicity as well. And now that you say he did not even look at my human design chart, that makes it even more special.

00:15:04:14 - 00:15:31:01
Patricia Lindner
And so I think that is the evidence for those many layers and those many aspects that can be revealed when looking at a chart. And whenever I look at my chart or someone's chart that I've read before, there are new aspects, new layers, new, nuances to what I've seen before. And I ask myself, why didn't I see that?

00:15:31:01 - 00:15:58:22
Patricia Lindner
Why didn't I look at that before? What wasn't that good enough? Which connects me to one of my shadow places. Was this a failure? The reading. So, But now, seeing it from a gift side. This is so nice to always be able to see. See, through a different angle or in a different light.

00:15:59:00 - 00:15:59:21
Mark Bentley
Yeah. Fantastic.

00:16:00:03 - 00:16:01:02
Patricia Lindner

00:16:01:04 - 00:16:27:03
Mark Bentley
I just feel to to there's a quote Richard says as well that I think really dances around what we just experienced in that. And I think it's such a valuable statement to carry whenever you're playing with anything like astrology, human design is anything like this. Any kind of profile is he has this beautiful saying numbers first, no sorry, people first, numbers second.

00:16:27:05 - 00:16:56:06
Mark Bentley
And what he means by that is in the end be present with the people that are in front because they are a living embodiment of this work. You know, the numbers on the charts. They're God's. The keys that help us to discover these aspects. And more than anything, I think what you've touched on there is the work with human design and the change, which for me is all about shifting our perspectives, because from one perspective, a situation can be terrifying.

00:16:56:08 - 00:17:13:22
Mark Bentley
It can be one of the most traumatic experiences in the world. But then for another person. So, for example, standing on top of a cliff on the edge of a cliff. Now I'm an ex stuntman on crazy. I love heights, so I will stand on the edge of that. No you're not.

00:17:14:02 - 00:17:15:23
Patricia Lindner
No, not at all.

00:17:16:01 - 00:17:41:22
Mark Bentley
Perfect example then, because then you and I could go and stand on the end of a cliff edge, and the biological experience of that exact same mind will be completely polarized between you. Yeah, I'll be exhilarated. My body will be creating, you know, serotonin and all this kind of dopamine and all this, these positive hits. And for you, it would be creating the fear biology.

00:17:42:00 - 00:18:00:06
Mark Bentley
Yeah. And so really it's not about the thing. It's not about the experience or about the aspects. It's about the perspective of how we are looking at. And that's where I feel like, you know, which is statement people first. Number second helps us to really adjust around.

00:18:00:08 - 00:18:34:19
Patricia Lindner
Yeah. And I think that is busting one of the myths. If you have those computerized print out versions of, a reading, then it's numbers first and people second, because, whenever I sit across a person and I don't know if this is the same for you, the reading is different, even though the numbers may might be the same because related to exactly this person, it is different.

00:18:34:21 - 00:18:52:07
Patricia Lindner
And there are different aspects that come forth and different words, different words that need to be said. And so that is why I highly recommend going to someone to guide you through a chart like Mark, for example.

00:18:52:09 - 00:18:54:06
Mark Bentley
To or Patricia.

00:18:54:08 - 00:19:36:12
Patricia Lindner
To see it in a different light and not having the artificial intelligence version, which is find to get an overview, but not to, I think for the growth aspect or the alignment aspect. And that is the example that you, just mentioned with the cliff. So for me, it's all about getting into alignment with who you are. And whenever there is this fear aspect that you mentioned with me standing on the cliff, it's, it's I'm not in alignment with my inner being, with my, energetic blueprint.

00:19:36:12 - 00:20:08:05
Patricia Lindner
So I need to go from there and go to the place that brings me into alignment. And, oftentimes it needs awareness from the outside. Which brings me back to the expert word that you, talked about. And you said, I never feel like the expert, and maybe it needs the outside awareness in this magnificence episode to shine some light on your expert, qualities.

00:20:08:05 - 00:20:46:04
Patricia Lindner
what I want to talk about is, and so for for you, that's nothing new. I know that this is this is fact. But I want to shine a light on, channel 731 and we could even talk about, 731 in, in the jinkies as well. But this is a leadership, channel, a leadership channel where you need to be invited, to be the leader because you know that you have something inside of you that makes you the leader.

00:20:46:06 - 00:21:14:14
Patricia Lindner
But you are a much better leader when you are invited to lead or elected or people see that they are all those qualities inside of you, then you can really be the truest leader of all the leaders out there, showing others what, a great light is shining inside of them, or what path to take, and giving them some guidance on that.

00:21:14:16 - 00:21:45:02
Patricia Lindner
So there is this magnetic power inside of you, and also this natural leader quality, the natural, I would say the natural expert. Because you are not staying stuck at a certain level of expertise, but you are constantly developing it and constantly building more insights that you can share with the world.

00:21:45:01 - 00:21:53:00
Patricia Lindner
you could totally go into this direction of, maybe I'm not the expert.

00:21:53:00 - 00:22:28:09
Patricia Lindner
It also and you don't say that, but shining the light on those qualities and being really firm in who you are and grounded in maybe your past makes you this amazing leader and expert in your field. And that's what I see when I look at this, channel 731 and maybe that even, is a confirmation for your different expert status.

00:22:28:11 - 00:22:51:10
Mark Bentley
Okay. I love the way you break it down. Patricia and I had some really enjoying. It is such a rare. In fact, I don't think I've had anyone look at my my profile for years and my, my first human design rating changed my life and got me onto this pathway many, many years ago, maybe 12 years ago, 13 years ago.

00:22:51:12 - 00:23:27:22
Mark Bentley
And hearing it now through you and just sitting back knowing, okay, I'm not the analyst, I get to relax. I get to just receive from you. Patricia, on this magnificence. And there's a real magic in that. Just even just in being seen and hearing these words being reflected back. It's something like you say this coming back to what you were saying about printouts, when we print out a profile this amazing, you know, I, generating, you know, apps out there now and things that work with all this stuff.

00:23:28:00 - 00:23:44:17
Mark Bentley
And I think it all has a place, but it's not the same, because when I read those things, there's a there's a part of my brain that is sabotaging. It's a part of me going nine. They tell you, who do you think you are? You know, you keep telling yourself, you great, you're going to get kicked out of the village.

00:23:44:17 - 00:24:03:08
Mark Bentley
You know, everyone's going to hate you. You know, it's like in Australia, there's this real toll. Poppy syndrome they call it, meaning that if the poppy that is taller than all the others, they chop it off because it's too tall. And that's a big thing here in Australia. And it's been a big theme my whole life that I've had to work with.

00:24:03:10 - 00:24:24:18
Mark Bentley
And interestingly, you know, you bring up the seven and the 31 this channel. But so like you say, it's all about leadership. And when you look at my gene case profile the 31 isn't there. Yeah. And so people often get confused. But it doesn't have all the aspects. So all the aspects are there in your genome in your DNA.

00:24:24:20 - 00:24:43:03
Mark Bentley
And it will come down the track. It is there. You just don't see it in that sense. But that 31 which when we look at it through the lens of the Genki Sophia, deep in human design, the Gene Casebook can be a great way to be able to understand the gates and all these numbers in a more digestible kind of way.

00:24:43:04 - 00:25:12:02
Mark Bentley
Human design can be a bit analytical and intense, but when we look at this, 31 is the shadow of arrogance, the gift of leadership and arrogance. This 31 was was a Jane Key and a human sign gate. It took me a long time to come to peace with, and I actually did a post on it on Instagram just a few days ago while the sun was moving through that aspect around leadership, being that there's elections and all this going on.

00:25:12:04 - 00:25:36:13
Mark Bentley
So let's let's drop into this 31. And one of the gifts that the 31 gave me quite a few years ago was helping me to catch my own arrogance and not in the arrogance of do what I tell you to do on the best. I know what's going on. You know that classic arrogance? It's it's worst. It's the snaky arrogance.

00:25:36:15 - 00:25:51:14
Mark Bentley
And I was a master of that snaky arrogance. And that's the arrogance I was. And this snaky arrogance is more about I am not good enough. Who am I to this, this whole thing of like, I'm not an expert in a.

00:25:51:14 - 00:25:52:16
Patricia Lindner
Way that's actually kind.

00:25:52:16 - 00:26:05:16
Mark Bentley
Of arrogant, you know, who am I to turn away the gifts that the collective consciousness granted me, that I came into this life to offer to the world that I have in my hands to serve with.

00:26:05:18 - 00:26:06:12
Patricia Lindner
Who am I out.

00:26:06:14 - 00:26:16:07
Mark Bentley
Arrogant if I say, oh no, I can't use it, I'm not, you know, and deny the world of of my service. And I don't want you to do that.

00:26:16:12 - 00:26:18:09
Patricia Lindner
That would be heartbreaking. Yeah, I don't.

00:26:18:09 - 00:26:46:04
Mark Bentley
Want anyone else to do it. And so we find that this humbleness can actually hide us as this. Sorry, this this arrogance hides as a form of humbleness. And so I have to always watch myself with because I have actually cut my hands off a lot of times in my ability to lead, because I refuse to take the power, even though people were trying to give it to me.

00:26:46:06 - 00:26:58:05
Mark Bentley
And so that has been you've touched on a very juicy one for me. That is I mean, it's my life's work that seven. So the 31 is always around the seven, you know.

00:26:58:07 - 00:27:28:02
Patricia Lindner
Yeah, I like I like what you said and I want to add something. So I, I always have plenty of path ways and ideas going off when I listen to you. And so we need hours and hours to share about what I want to talk about. But, I want to go back to your chart and, not pull up the, gene keys chart.

00:27:28:03 - 00:27:53:11
Patricia Lindner
And you said so the seven. That is my life's work. That is about guidance, the gift, of guidance. And for those who are not familiar with, gene keys or human design, when you have a human design chart, you can see this aspect right here. It's the conscious son aspect, which is the genetics aspect of your life's work.

00:27:53:13 - 00:27:59:19
Patricia Lindner
And you have combined it with, line five, which is amazing. But for.

00:27:59:20 - 00:28:02:06
Mark Bentley
Better or worse.

00:28:02:08 - 00:28:28:05
Patricia Lindner
What I want to touch upon is and this for me is again about leadership, the 13, which is your evolution, what you are here to learn. And I love that so much. When I looked at your chart and now it is a great fit to what you say or what you said, it is again, this a natural leader ability.

00:28:28:05 - 00:28:50:12
Patricia Lindner
That's at least what, what I see in the 13. What are you here to learn. So this firm grounding that you need to be at peace with your past and tools. So and and that is so I hope that I can see it in the right way because that is part of my mission that I want to share with people.

00:28:50:14 - 00:29:17:05
Patricia Lindner
It's when you look at the here and now at what do you feel about yourself and who you are at your emotions, at everything that shows up in your current reality. It's an indicator to what you did in the past because it is like the past manifests the now. And it is like the seed you planted in the past is showing up right now.

00:29:17:05 - 00:29:50:18
Patricia Lindner
And so you always have the choice to plant a new seed in the here and now for your future. And so your past, will be shown to you every day. When you look consciously look at where you are right now. And for me, it's also an indicator of alignment. If you are not happy with where you are right now, then it needs adjustment so that you can create a different future.

00:29:50:18 - 00:30:08:17
Patricia Lindner
And for me, this is the embodiment of this manifesting. Being a natural leader, being someone who needs to be at peace with the past or create something in the here and now to have an aligned future.

00:30:08:17 - 00:30:17:02
Patricia Lindner
I don't know if this made sense or if this will be cryptic, but for me, this is the heart of everything that people know.

00:30:17:04 - 00:30:42:13
Patricia Lindner
Okay, when I look at my current circumstances, at my current emotions, am I on a high flying desk? That's what I said to I want to be on a high flying disc in this episode with you. What plants did I seed? What seeds did I plant? And, so what seeds did I plant? And what am I harvesting in the here and now?

00:30:42:15 - 00:30:44:13
Patricia Lindner
It has to do with my past.

00:30:44:15 - 00:31:08:22
Mark Bentley
Absolutely. Absolutely. Patricia, you are a tree. You are a true gift to the world. And and I'm so glad you are doing this, this podcast. Because if I can come on here, having done this work for over ten years, and when I do this work, I do it. I walk the talk is is testing it, stretching it everything.

00:31:09:00 - 00:31:28:23
Mark Bentley
And to be able to sit here and to still get the gift of of receiving that from you and to feel like the synchronicity, the timing and this as well as just perfect, like, you know, having this confirmation, this affirmation, this, this, this recognition and love, you know, from you in, in the way you share and read this.

00:31:29:01 - 00:31:56:15
Mark Bentley
It's it's really heartwarming and it works with this configuration, as you talk about with the seven and the 13 and as you say, it's in order for me to move forwards into the past, I have to digest now into the future. We're switching words a lot today. As in order to move into the future, it really is that I have to deal with the past.

00:31:56:15 - 00:32:21:19
Mark Bentley
And it is such a ridiculous, sweet, tangible thing in my life. Where? And the beauty of human design is that it gave me a framework to help it stop feel so personal because it feels pretty personal sometimes. You know, when when life is intense, like you say, it's not how you want it. And it's it's means that.

00:32:21:19 - 00:32:47:04
Mark Bentley
Okay, well it's mathematical. Something led to this month. Yeah. And if it's not moving forwards, then some conditioning, some form of of coding in a sense, in my mind is still getting in the way of it going forwards. Maybe there's old emotion that I haven't digested yet, so the wisdom hasn't been extracted from that emotion. So it's still sitting in my body.

00:32:47:06 - 00:33:18:13
Mark Bentley
And if I don't listen to the moment, listen to the way the world is responding to my energy, then I won't be able to get to the roots of whatever that is. And to me, it's all about digestion. In a way. It's like the 13 is about for me through my experiences, is about the capacity to digest my emotional experience.

00:33:18:15 - 00:33:57:00
Mark Bentley
And digestion can only happen when we have self-awareness, like the digestion of emotions. Otherwise they just become reactions. Nothing's getting digested. You just vomit a little bit out and then you repress it back. You, you know, sorry for the colorful language, but whereas when we when we have self-awareness and that's a teaser, listening with the heart, saying present in the, through whatever is happening, through whatever pain, whatever suffering, whatever beauty, whatever magic being centered here, then it is digested real time and it doesn't build up, doesn't get blocked in the cells and drag me back in.

00:33:57:02 - 00:34:15:16
Mark Bentley
And so I find I go through these ways. And I think I was sharing with you just before we came on this call, that these last couple of days have been really gritty. There's been some, like, self-worth stuff coming out. There's been this where it just and there's a part of me that sits crying, you're not supposed to have these experiences.

00:34:15:16 - 00:34:42:09
Mark Bentley
What are you doing? You you're the one that's that expert in this field. And then I remind myself, yeah, I'm an expert in how to stay in that present moment, to feel that feeling and allow that grit to happen. So because over these last couple of days, he's been dragged cheating up out of the depths of me. Old belief systems, particularly around money and and worth and, dependability.

00:34:42:09 - 00:35:11:20
Mark Bentley
And there's certain aspects that have just been stirring up inside. And because of that gift of that 13th evolution that has helped me over time to become more and more able to to just be present and stay in that heart space and listen. Because when that's all coming up, that's my past. It's not who I am now. And by allowing, that's what helps me get my guidance.

00:35:11:22 - 00:35:18:18
Mark Bentley
Now I understand how I got here. It helps you know where I need to go next. In that sense.

00:35:18:18 - 00:35:55:11
Patricia Lindner
I love, love, love that. And this gives me another bridge into, maybe something that people need to hear right now. You mentioned digestion. It's about digesting and when you digest and you mentioned, like, vomit and stuff, but when you digest, then you take in the the nutrients, and you let go of what no longer serves you or doesn't serve you.

00:35:55:13 - 00:36:28:21
Patricia Lindner
And so this is such a wonderful picture that you allowed to show up right now. And I think that is what I want to really stress when I talk about, especially the gym keys. It's not about getting rid of all the stuff that feels like shadowy or that shows up again, and I need to get rid of that because I want to be further along the way.

00:36:28:23 - 00:37:11:11
Patricia Lindner
But it's about digesting it, and it's like circling back to some things. And for me, that is such a big relief that you say, oh, I think I'm the expert in a field. And now these things come up. Am I not good enough to to guide other people if this shows up for me? And I think that is such a good example for this whole I don't want to call it concept, but inspiration of what the gene keys are, an invitation to seed in a very different way.

00:37:11:13 - 00:37:40:04
Patricia Lindner
The shadow aspect is not something that is, you need to get rid of. And you only or light. And then you are in this awakened state of full blown light. But it's more getting into alignment and more getting into alignment and taking the shadow as a starting point and not judging yourself. Because if you judge yourself, then you plant another seed of misalignment.

00:37:40:06 - 00:38:13:10
Patricia Lindner
And I think it's this acceptance, this walking the path with this, with this open heart without judgment, being more and more stable in, not the reactions, the way you perceive what's going on. And I like that you just did this amazing thing or gave this amazing example as someone who is so much into the work and you say, but this shows up and that shows up.

00:38:13:12 - 00:38:36:14
Patricia Lindner
And this is another indicator of, oh, I can continue the work. And I'm moving, on a more high flying disc right now and tomorrow. And the other day, even though a shadow shows up, a conditioning shows up, anything shows up. That's what I love about the jean case.

00:38:36:16 - 00:39:23:21
Mark Bentley
Indeed. And even to the point, Patricia, that it's it's almost like, you know, there's there can be I know for myself in the earlier days of of the spiritual pursuits etc., was it chasing this love and light and everything but, you know, that has changed immensely over the years. And this work and the and now it's more about how deep in the great can I get, how fully in the human experience can I be, how much can I experience ecstasy and heartbreak and grief and loss at the full kind of what do you call that, detail?

00:39:23:23 - 00:39:48:18
Mark Bentley
There's a word for it. But, you know, the full expansion of this human experience and one of the gifts that this work has really helped me with and why I'm such an advocate for sharing, and then really is what we've just been talking about is. There are so many moments that are being experienced as traumatic that we that don't need to be.

00:39:48:20 - 00:40:17:20
Mark Bentley
And it's Benjamin Harvey, an old coachman I used to have when I was learning the coaching work back in the day. You know, he says trauma is simply. What was it? Undiscovered wisdom. Something along those lines. The idea being that when we have a traumatic experience, just because we weren't ready for it in some way, that was something we weren't prepared for.

00:40:17:22 - 00:40:41:17
Mark Bentley
And it causes a kind of neurological loop to fall. So whenever you have a similar experience, it goes back into flat, flat. And what he puts forward is if you are able to revisit that with self-awareness, that moment you discover there's a lot of lessons to be learned from. And when you extract that wisdom, like you talk about digesting the food, extracting the wisdom.

00:40:41:17 - 00:41:05:18
Mark Bentley
So when we digest our traumas, we extract the wisdom. It's no longer traumatic, the fear is no longer there. And it's been insane to watch how many people have had wild traumas that they said would never be fixed. Now a lot of military, etc. healed through this process. And so if we look at that, it really is like the evolutionary function of humanity, that that's how humans evolve.

00:41:05:20 - 00:41:29:23
Mark Bentley
We have emotions that are basically the information from the experience we digest, the emotion that helps us learn from the experience. We then recalibrate our brain patterns to perceive it differently, and then we go back in again. And trauma just is when it gets stuck. So for me, I find that the more I get into this to work, the more I find myself drawn.

00:41:29:23 - 00:41:55:13
Mark Bentley
Working with people that are done, working with people that are going through intense suffering. I've had clients that have gone through the worst abuse you could ever imagine, but when we shift our perspective about all of this, we start realizing it's not as personal as we think it is, and that there's actually an incredible gift hiding inside. If we can have the courage and the tools and the the space to be able to hold it.

00:41:55:13 - 00:41:59:05
Mark Bentley
And that's what I say. Human design, that Jane Cates, they create these frameworks.

00:42:00:03 - 00:42:25:08
Mark Bentley
Especially when facilitated by someone compassionate and such as yourself, Patricia, that you have that ability to see with that. I love the way you say you see it like an artist. You can see it with the creative, how it all comes together that transforms the well. And then that's how we evolve. So for me, if people are doing this work to try and escape the pain, well, it does help escape the pain.

00:42:25:08 - 00:42:55:04
Mark Bentley
On one level, you know, then that's okay too, because sometimes we got to have that to get us started, you know? But sooner or later it actually shifts to being. Can pain actually be ecstatic? Can we actually enjoy the heartbreak on a deeper level? You know, in the same way we watch a sad movie and we enjoy it.

00:42:55:06 - 00:43:19:01
Patricia Lindner
That's what I just did yesterday, and I needed to cry, to be honest, because I was so moved and touched by the depth of the message. And I enjoyed it even though I was crying. And, you only can experience that when you dive into the depths of what is possible, because that is what I see.

00:43:19:01 - 00:43:54:11
Patricia Lindner
And I don't know if you, agree with that. I was, a small German group through, this contemplation of the junkies as they wanted someone and not read the books, and they were not able to take the, the English courses because of the language. And so, the further along the way, we get, the more shifts take place in their perception of pain.

00:43:54:13 - 00:44:24:05
Patricia Lindner
To this extent of what you just said, in the beginning, there was this, now this is so negative. And how could I not, feel like a victim when this and that shows up? And now we are at the end of the love sequence. And they react in, a very conscious, very soft way.

00:44:24:07 - 00:44:59:23
Patricia Lindner
And it feels like they can extract and digest the nutrition and the nutrients of pain or of shadow experiences trauma. And they they see so much of a transformation. And I think this is a lifelong transformation that is going on. So it's not a quick fix. And so I so much appreciate what you just said. I so we could dive into so many things.

00:44:59:23 - 00:45:36:16
Patricia Lindner
One aspect that is still on my mind, you talked about money and, I see, like, opening your, jinkies chart and the pearl. I don't know if this makes sense, but I want to. Cite the missed, talking about this pearl sequence, and you mentioned. It was around money and money things and conditioning around money. And that's for me.

00:45:36:16 - 00:45:40:10
Patricia Lindner
That is an invitation to, you know, and

00:45:40:10 - 00:45:50:19
Patricia Lindner
your. Jinkies. And I want to make that bigger. Does it show up in a bigger way right now? No.

00:45:50:21 - 00:45:53:22
Mark Bentley
No, you might have to click on the box first.

00:45:54:00 - 00:45:54:14
Patricia Lindner

00:45:54:14 - 00:45:59:01
Mark Bentley
So and then control Plus.

00:45:59:03 - 00:45:59:18
Mark Bentley
Oh that'll work.

00:45:59:21 - 00:46:05:22
Patricia Lindner
I did Control Plus but it didn't blow it up.

00:46:05:23 - 00:46:07:20
Mark Bentley
So, we can work with it.

00:46:07:22 - 00:46:42:04
Patricia Lindner
Yeah. So it's not about all the written aspects, but it's, about really, giving an example of what the the keys can do for you or how the guidance could work. And I've seen so many people speak about, okay, let's just, Not dive into the activation sequence. That's not interesting. And the love sequence. Not at all.

00:46:42:06 - 00:47:00:10
Patricia Lindner
I don't want to learn anything about the relationships. I want to build my business. And I want to make a lot, a lot, a lot of a lot of money. And so isn't it the easiest thing? And I'm just a bit provocative right now. Isn't it the easiest thing for you as the expert to dive into the pearls sequence?

00:47:00:10 - 00:47:29:10
Patricia Lindner
This blue triangle. It's not a triangle. I don't know the word, but you could just easily read the aspects that make you be a prosperous man. If this is true, what coaches say, and I don't want to harm them or judge them, but I want to really break this myths of, just jump into the pearls sequence and then make a lot of money.

00:47:29:10 - 00:47:45:03
Patricia Lindner
I can help you build your business. I based on the pearls sequence. What is it? So I want to say a couple of things about your pearls sequence. But first of all, what is your reaction to what I just sent?

00:47:45:04 - 00:48:07:02
Mark Bentley
My first reaction, Patricia, is I always love when someone gets a little provocative and juicy. So I massive respect for for the willingness to go there because I think that is something as a collective, we need to have these conversations. Yeah. And not from a place like you said, of competition, of who's right or wrong, but rather let's work it out.

00:48:07:04 - 00:48:33:03
Mark Bentley
Let's let's see, can you do it? Because if you can, great. But can you really? And when it comes down to prosperity, because as you said, so beautiful, you know, the, the blue spheres in your Jackie's profile of that prosperity. Prosperity is not just money. And this is where we can make that mistake. Often there are lots of ways to make money, but you have to sacrifice your integrity to do it.

00:48:33:05 - 00:49:00:04
Mark Bentley
And the red spheres are the Venus sequence. They're working on the emotional. But then you have the green spheres, which is the physical body and really grounding in, of what we here to do in the world. So when you look at these three sequences, they're called sequences for a reason. And they're designed to be contemplated in the order of the sequences, which means it actually begins at the top at the life's work.

00:49:00:06 - 00:49:23:00
Mark Bentley
It goes through the green spheres. And the idea is it's a bit like cracking open a safe that if you want to unlock the genius that's in your genome, the prosperity in your genome, if you want to unlock it, is just like cracking a safe. You know, you see those old movies where they have the little, air things on and the stethoscope, and they're listening to this.

00:49:23:02 - 00:49:48:01
Mark Bentley
They're turning, listening for clicks. That really is what the art of contemplation and the way we work with this, that's what we're doing. Like when you and I talk about a key, you mentioned, you know, the seven and the 13 and you shared that beautiful piece that you gave that I heard a click. You know, there's there's like a something landed and one of the pins in the lock in my genome unlocked that I'm trying to get open the mind.

00:49:48:03 - 00:50:16:23
Mark Bentley
And so the idea is, as we go through this process, we can unlock the pins and then the prosperity is what comes out as a result. So if we go to the blue spheres first, you can get I believe that you can get a certain amount of, I'd say, lovingly superficial success using that wisdom. And that's great. That might be what you need before you then go back to start.

00:50:17:01 - 00:50:37:09
Mark Bentley
But if you really want to unlock your prosperity fully, then it requires deep grounding in the body. We have to be grounded on the earth, and that's what the green space rule. And we've got to have a purpose, a sense of purpose. And then if we want to be able to be prosperous, we have to be able to handle our emotional intelligence.

00:50:37:09 - 00:50:58:21
Mark Bentley
We have to be able to handle a turbulent on and move through things without becoming a victim all the time. And also, if we want to have relationships, we can't just go to the red Venus spheres. We have to get our grounding in our bodies. So the I from my perspective is like, yeah, absolutely. You can start any way you like.

00:50:58:22 - 00:51:19:00
Mark Bentley
You can go wherever you like, because I've learned my lesson so that trying to get people to do it in the order, it's not efficient, as efficient as it would seem on the outside, sometimes they have to go the wrong way to be able to get the motivation to go the right way. If there is a wrong in our.

00:51:19:02 - 00:51:24:20
Mark Bentley
So that would be my my initial response to that.

00:51:24:22 - 00:51:53:06
Patricia Lindner
And that is so beautiful. And, I would love to present you something new, but I know that, this would be still in your words because I wanted to say something. So if you look at your chart, your profile, and that is the exact same thing in my profile, it says charity. Where exactly? The money spot is the pearl?

00:51:53:10 - 00:52:03:15
Patricia Lindner
Yeah. And this is another thought. And now I can share it. So and I can stop the screen share. So we talk about this charity aspect here.

00:52:03:16 - 00:52:20:10
Patricia Lindner
When I woke up this morning, I thought about, okay, I would love to talk about the Pearl as well. And then I had this picture. I still had my eyes closed, and I had this picture of an oyster or a muscle.

00:52:20:12 - 00:52:50:17
Patricia Lindner
And it was opening and opening more and opening more. And opening more in a very slow way. And I related that to our conversation. And I thought, like, this could be such a great picture to present to you and the audience when talking about, a gene key or human design work. But as there is the pearl sequence, I would love to related to the gene keys.

00:52:50:18 - 00:53:22:18
Patricia Lindner
And it is like getting there, getting to the pearl step by step, and maybe sometimes this oyster or I don't know if it is only oysters or mussels. Sometimes it closes again a little bit, then it and the very last thing to really be fully open, the fully open heart, the reactions. No. More like react active or triggered.

00:53:22:20 - 00:53:37:20
Patricia Lindner
Then you can get to this pearl. That is the picture that I had in the morning, and I thought, this is the jinkies! It's this ongoing contemplation of an oyster.

00:53:37:22 - 00:53:38:18
Mark Bentley

00:53:38:23 - 00:53:45:20
Patricia Lindner
Slowly and softly and revealing the pearl.

00:53:45:22 - 00:53:48:05
Mark Bentley
And I know that is that is stunning enough.

00:53:48:07 - 00:54:15:18
Patricia Lindner
Yeah. I thought that's it, that's it. That is this process of finding the pearl. And it's not like cracking the oyster open, taking the pearl, and then throwing the shell away. It is this smooth process that it needs at the right timing. That is trusting the right timing and not rushing through it. So that is what I thought.

00:54:17:14 - 00:54:36:03
Mark Bentley
I like that even bringing it to, to the question you asked about, you know, the people that kind of go straight to the Pearl just to kind of get the money going. Yeah. It is kind of a bit like that isn't it. Like running in and, you know, ripping the clam open and grabbing the pearl, running off, going, okay, I've got what I need.

00:54:36:06 - 00:55:07:15
Mark Bentley
Yeah. It is like as you were describing and I was watching, you know, visually your words as it was opening and I was thinking you just kind of dropped that. I mean, where does the pearl come from? It comes from a grain of sand agitating a clam. And then the silica or whatever it is builds up around that grain of sand and builds and builds and builds over time because of agitation, not because the clam was patterned nicely and told it was beautiful, but it was through its agitation.

00:55:07:15 - 00:55:19:00
Mark Bentley
It turned dirt into beauty. You know, and in a way, I just realized it's a shadow to this seed, you know, that's like the awakening experience, right?

00:55:19:02 - 00:55:33:17
Patricia Lindner
Exactly. Was that said before? I don't know it. Did anyone say that before? I didn't read that. It really came to me this morning. I don't know if Richard Rudd talked about this open.

00:55:33:17 - 00:55:46:01
Mark Bentley
I think the pearl sequence has been connected directly at Pearl clan. I think of that that has been around, but it's actually bigger than just that. Like you can kind of extract the whole shebang with.

00:55:46:03 - 00:56:22:15
Patricia Lindner
Yeah. And then when someone like you and me discover there is, line for charity, then it's all about, okay, then I am done because I'm a charity worker. It's not about the money. And I want to really point out that that was one of the biggest takeaways when I had a reading with you and you showed me, and this is I want to end our conversation with something that stands out whenever I talk to you, but I want to hold it back still.

00:56:22:17 - 00:56:55:00
Patricia Lindner
Then you opened up such a different point of view towards charity. And so I see charities in your chart as well. So you are not meant to earn any money. So no wonder why you need to think about and maybe feel stuck in this aspect. No, but you said to me it's all about the money and you can see this in a very different aspect, point of view and light.

00:56:55:02 - 00:57:25:02
Patricia Lindner
And I would love you to talk about that openly, because that is, I think that is one of your most amazing and magnificent capacities to shine the light on aspects in such a different way. And that connects me to your purpose. And I jotted it down. It's this insight you are master of giving insight into things. You are an agent for the unexpected, Mark.

00:57:25:04 - 00:57:41:11
Patricia Lindner
You are someone who is so different from anyone. You are so unique and I hope that you embrace that because you talked about charity in that way.

00:57:41:13 - 00:57:56:11
Mark Bentley
Thank you, thank you. Taking a moment to actually receive that you remember. Yeah. No no no I wasn't stalling I was genuinely taking time to, to that was touching I really really appreciate.

00:57:56:13 - 00:58:09:15
Patricia Lindner
And so I just I just touched upon your. Yeah. These three in your Genki or human design, I think 100%. That's your genius.

00:58:09:17 - 00:58:30:08
Mark Bentley
And you know what helped me the most? Because people often, often say this, Patricia. Oh, it's okay for you because you just you just roll out these, epiphanies and insights and and it's like, yeah, but it's taken a lifetime of me to to own myself, to be able to. It's not that the insights come from me. It's not coming from my mind.

00:58:30:10 - 00:58:56:23
Mark Bentley
It's that this 43rd Jane Key, I have as my purpose is the shadow of deafness, the gift of insight and the city of epiphanies. And if I think I know the answer, if I overprepare and study your profiles and try and get ready for a session, I actually restrict the amount of of calm in a sense that can have higher dimensional kind of information that can come through, and then I become death.

00:58:57:01 - 00:59:16:01
Mark Bentley
And then then I just mentally talk about things like from what I've studied or learn. But I found that the more I allow myself to trust in whatever comes out of this mouth and trust me, it's been scary. Like my biggest fear is being cold a cult leader and all those kind of things, right? It used to be.

00:59:16:03 - 00:59:50:00
Mark Bentley
And then I went through the experience that happened. And then I also realized that a cult leader is a leader of culture. And if people want to follow the culture that I'm bringing through, then that's great. I'll be a cult leader because I'd like to create a culture around love and compassion, openness, etc. so. So that was my 43rd journey and has been by daring to be wrong, daring to be stupid, daring to be ashamed, daring to have all those things and just let it come out of my mouth.

00:59:50:02 - 01:00:17:09
Mark Bentley
The irony is, ever since I fully stepped into it, at least as much as I had today, it has never failed. And it just rolls out. And this is actually coming now to the fourth, talking about that fourth line of charity. This is where some of the challenge has been in even charging for my work, because it is so easy in a sense.

01:00:17:11 - 01:00:19:00
Patricia Lindner
I turn now.

01:00:19:02 - 01:00:39:03
Mark Bentley
You and I dance together with your profile and then you go and then I just leave it right. And there's a part that feels like that's not fair. Like, what about everyone who has to work like nine hour, ten hour days? They have to do this, have to do that. That's not fair. I shouldn't be able to just do this.

01:00:39:05 - 01:01:02:23
Mark Bentley
And so I watched the shadow side of this fourth line of charity that would play out where I would so sabotage that. I have no right if everyone else. So rather than being charitable by sharing what I have excess, I would give away everything I had and not allow myself to be prosperous or happy or positive because into everyone else on this planet.

01:01:02:23 - 01:01:29:12
Mark Bentley
Once I that I realized I literally was doing that, I was trying to satisfy the entire planet. Massive bug in my program. And so for me, charity, when you have this fourth line in your Perl, ironically, I would say it means that you will make more money than you could imagine because how can you truly be charitable if you're not harvesting energy from somewhere and sharing?

01:01:29:14 - 01:02:06:08
Mark Bentley
You know a farmer cannot be charitable with their weight if I don't grow an abundance of wheat. And so what I would see happening with this fourth line is concept of charity is that I would be giving from an empty cup and that charity, if we truly want to offer genuine charity, it should be given from an overflowing cup that anything that is excess and flowing over the edges, instead of spending that on just silliness or just sticking it in somewhere that it's not being used, use it and put it somewhere where it can.

01:02:06:08 - 01:02:29:08
Mark Bentley
It can really help someone get that leg up or, and look, it could be a, someone on the side of the street, you know, that a drug addict or homeless person or whatever it is, maybe that's your charity that you give for the day, but it could also be investing in a startup company. Might seem strange to think of that as charity, but it's not about giving for free.

01:02:29:08 - 01:03:05:23
Mark Bentley
As such, charity is about sharing out over support to somewhere where we feel it can be received and support and create, you know, in that sense. And the biggest thing that the last post I share, Patricia, that that helped me to make a change in my life around this was when, through contemplation of that light and the key that I have there, which is the 18, I really started saying that it wasn't just my money and energy.

01:03:05:23 - 01:03:28:10
Mark Bentley
I was giving away. What got me to stop was when I realized I was giving away my sons and the energy, my energy that was meant for my son was being given outwardly to the world to try and fix it when it doesn't need to be fixed. And that's when I realized, no, you can't do that. Yeah, that's not okay.

01:03:28:12 - 01:04:00:22
Mark Bentley
That's my son. He. If anyone has a right to my energy, it is my son. Absolutely. And so from that point, I realized that, well, for me to be the father my son came here for, I need to take care of me. I need to make sure that I do put that oxygen mask on first, and I get the oxygen I need to make sure I have good food, clean water, a safe space to live where I can actually do the work that I'm built to, you know, and when I started.

01:04:00:23 - 01:04:28:20
Mark Bentley
And these things take money and if the money's not there, the stress comes because there's a family to take care. And that means I can't be charitable. I can't be able to give so freely from my heart. And what I realized was money even isn't my greatest gift. With charity. It's with my purpose to be charitable with my purpose, which is inside.

01:04:28:22 - 01:04:47:05
Mark Bentley
And so anyone that's seen me around on Facebook or YouTube, I don't thought and go, I'll just give you a little bit and tease you. So you pay me money. It's an I'll give you your insight if you're here on the stage or you're in the audience and you have the courage to ask the question, I'll pull my heart into that experience and offer that insight.

01:04:47:05 - 01:05:14:23
Mark Bentley
And money isn't even a thought. But in order to do that, I need to have money. I need to have these things taken care of. And so it's about yeah. So for me, it really comes down to the chalice, fill your own cup and then joy comes from the sharing and even more abundance turns out, because when someone sees someone who is a master of charity, because what we call charity out there is not charity to me.

01:05:15:21 - 01:05:30:05
Mark Bentley
Right. It's corrupted, it's problematic. It's most of the money goes to trying to run the money to get it. People they want it to get to. And ironically people are sending $100 to Africa and maybe $2 gets there to the family.

01:05:30:07 - 01:05:30:21
Patricia Lindner

01:05:30:23 - 01:05:56:14
Mark Bentley
When they could have given $100 to someone down the road and $100 would have gotten to that. And so there's this inefficiency in this idea of what charity is. And so, yeah, so for me, as you can see, this is just a juicy one that I love discussing because it really, I feel needs to shift away from this victim mindset.

01:05:56:16 - 01:06:26:12
Mark Bentley
Because when I and maybe this will be the last thing I'll say on this, when we talk about charity in the mainstream way, we talk about it. In my perspective, it feels like we are constantly putting people into the position of the victim, the victims. Everyone's a victim and they need to be saved. And when we do that, we it's kind of like we energetically try to pull our out of them and take, give me your power.

01:06:26:12 - 01:06:58:08
Mark Bentley
Let me fix you. We don't know why that person's there, how they got there, what? The conditions that were made before they incarnated into this lifetime. Maybe that person came to have that experience of living on the street and suffering and dying young. Maybe that is literally what they came for. I don't know that. And some of the happiest people I've ever seen were the ones like in Cusco, up in the Andes, way off the tourist track, the poor people, the ones that had nothing.

01:06:58:10 - 01:07:22:22
Mark Bentley
But they also had a simplicity because they had nothing. And there was a joy that came out of a human connection. And they had family bonding that I hadn't seen before. That was beautiful. That money kind of makes hard to get. And so there's this thing around charity that I think I'm realizing talking to you now, Patricia, that has even bigger things for me than I thought it was.

01:07:23:00 - 01:07:27:11
Mark Bentley
And. Yeah. So that's that's my, brain dump on that one.

01:07:27:12 - 01:08:09:09
Patricia Lindner
I love I love what you just shared and I don't know if I'm even capable of mirroring back to you what I just received. And usually I ask my guests on. Hey, can you share a little inside, Golden Nugget, a hidden gem with the audience? I think that was already such a, hidden gem that might have cracked people open that so prosperity in a very narrow way.

01:08:09:09 - 01:08:18:10
Patricia Lindner
Or charity and, very like,

01:08:18:12 - 01:08:50:00
Patricia Lindner
Normal boy. That's what charity is. That's, how charities described by most of the people. And you opened us up to such, multifaceted view of what, what all those words are. And that's what I like about you. And, I said that in the end, I want to share something that I thought about you, that I feel about you, that I want to share with the world about you.

01:08:50:00 - 01:09:37:07
Patricia Lindner
But it feels like this is the right place to say it out loud. Because for me, you said it's from the overflow that you can share. And I heard you once talk about this concept of those bio photons that are inside our literal DNA. And when you are in those shadow places and you don't, allow yourself to be a leader in your case, or see yourself as the one who can guide people or has those amazing gifts, is that magnifies sent not in, like an egoistic way, but in the way of being of service.

01:09:37:09 - 01:10:12:03
Patricia Lindner
Then you compromise those bio photons, those, parts of the DNA that shine your light. And for you, I'm not a clairvoyant. Even though I can pierce the persona. I see that for you. There is so much of those bio photons shining the light that I can see outside of you, and you shining such an amazing light and sharing this light with people that makes me even feel like some tears coming up.

01:10:12:03 - 01:10:41:14
Patricia Lindner
Because the way you talk about things, the way you share those aspects with people, is such an enriching one, such a prosperous one. You don't shy away from going into spaces and places that are totally honest. You don't say, oh yeah, I'm making 20 k a month with the work I do. Is it? I struggle with the concept.

01:10:41:16 - 01:11:12:05
Patricia Lindner
I've been there, I've done that. I saw the shadow aspect. And I think you have this capacity of being raw and real and therefore being so authentic and so aligned, and that makes those bio photons totally shine. I can see that. I really can see that around your whole body and through every word that is like words of light that reach people when you speak.

01:11:12:07 - 01:11:45:08
Patricia Lindner
And I don't want to be nice, that is that is my truth. And I would love to encourage people to really connect with you and reach out and get a reading just by you the way you do it, because that is, it is really helping you see yourself in a different light, helping yourself, getting to more of the aspects that might have.

01:11:45:10 - 01:11:57:19
Patricia Lindner
Been hidden in the dark. And so I would really love to ask you, where can people find you to do that?

01:11:57:21 - 01:12:04:14
Mark Bentley
Well, well, first of all, thank you sincerely, Patricia. This has been a very special,

01:12:04:14 - 01:12:22:22
Mark Bentley
podcast moment for me as well to to be here together with you and to be saying so deeply, so if people want to find me, they can find me, on my website, which is Mark Bentley Tacom8. If you Google Mark Bentley, Jane Keys, I'll pop up.

01:12:23:00 - 01:12:44:10
Mark Bentley
So Mark bentley.com you or you can find me on Instagram. I think it's Mark Bentley 199, but you'll find me if you search and, so on. Instagram is probably where I'm the most active with social media, put out posts relatively rare. I do got here and that goes three ways. So probably Instagram's the best place I am on Facebook.

01:12:44:10 - 01:13:05:10
Mark Bentley
But again, I'd say Instagram or the website, the best places to go. And absolutely anyone who wants to come along join. I'm actually looking at starting up a community soon, like a little, college group mainly just live somewhere to bring my people together, you know, that. Want to be there, that want to make sure we don't miss out.

01:13:05:10 - 01:13:22:11
Mark Bentley
Because mailing lists and everything else becoming very difficult, and social media trying to make sure, you know, we we track everything is so difficult. So I'm going to try and create a little community space where I can invite people. And so that will be something coming down the track. So tune in to the website and stuff for that.

01:13:22:13 - 01:13:43:03
Mark Bentley
And I would just like to say, Patricia, before we close up, that it has been a true delight. We connected class synchronous weekly. Not that long ago, just a couple of months ago or something. And then you just chuck that inspired message into the thing saying, hey, do you want to be on the podcast? And then we connected and started chatting, and then we had our little meeting.

01:13:43:03 - 01:14:06:08
Mark Bentley
Then you had a session, and now here I am with you, getting to experience you on each and every step of the way. It has been such a joy and you have gifted me so much in today's session, which is a real treat because I'm used to turning on and I love like just listening and letting me share is a gift in itself for me, being that that's part of my whole purpose and life's work.

01:14:06:10 - 01:14:25:09
Mark Bentley
But to be able to receive that gift back that you offer today with a different perspective and a genuine I could feel your honesty and how you share. It's not easy for people to to touch that part of me anymore, because it's kind of like it's gotten smaller and smaller. The rest is all open for everyone to see and touch.

01:14:25:11 - 01:14:51:12
Mark Bentley
So that part that's very small, that's still there, you manage to touch that, and that speaks volumes to me, that I can trust you to be able to really connect with into the light. So I just wanted to reflect that and say thank you. And that I want to say the same thing, that if you're feeling drawn to go deeper into this work, then I and highly recommend Patricia as an amazing human being that can really take you on that journey and walk by your side.

01:14:51:12 - 01:14:53:21
Mark Bentley
So thank you, Patricia.

01:14:53:23 - 01:15:34:09
Patricia Lindner
Thank you so much, Mark. Now you leave me speechless and all the thoughts that I had that I still wanted to share. They are somewhere out in this space and now I wanted to close this magnificent special episode of magnificence with, some words, because this is, this was a longer episode than usual, but I feel and I still, think that is that is something that was so needed because we touched on so many deep aspects, integrating your chart and talking about general aspects.

01:15:34:11 - 01:16:10:22
Patricia Lindner
And I know lots of people that like your way of looking at human design and the jinkies and that are open to watching a longer episode and that will be filled with delight, when listening to this episode. So it was such a pleasure, such an honor, such a deep, different way of looking at things. And I hope that we could inspire so many people with what we talked about.

01:16:11:00 - 01:16:22:07
Patricia Lindner
I thank you for being my guest. And, yeah, I think that's it. But I still feel a bit speechless because of what you said. Thank you.

01:16:22:09 - 01:16:47:16
Mark Bentley
Well, Patricia, honestly and genuinely, any time, you know, just send the invitation. I'd be more than honored to come and continue the conversation on your podcast. You know where to find me. And, yeah, I it's been a great. Oh, and to the listeners, all of you that are listening, I want to say thank you sincerely for taking the time, because there is a lot of content out there these days.

01:16:47:16 - 01:17:09:09
Mark Bentley
There's a lot of places you go and whatever synchronicity brought you here, you listened and you took the time to be here. And I want to thank you because without the audience, podcast don't exist. We don't get to do what we love. So thanks to you for everything that you bring to the table. Have an amazing journey with Human Design, the Jane Keys, wherever pulls you.

01:17:09:09 - 01:17:23:08
Mark Bentley
Remember there is no right way, there's no wrong way, but whichever way, as long as we cultivate self-awareness and pay attention, then we'll find our way. Yeah. And, Yeah. So thank you.

01:17:23:10 - 01:17:51:12
Patricia Lindner
Thank you so much. We are deliberate creators of what we want to see in our lives. And that is the final word of this wonderful, deep, amazing, magnificent episode. Special episode of magnificence, the one and only empowerment podcast. It's Drake's image and shines the light on the magnificence of my guests and of course, on your magnificence. I hope to see you in another episode.

01:17:51:12 - 01:17:55:03
Patricia Lindner
Thank you for watching and talk to you soon. Bye for now.

01:17:55:04 - 01:18:29:03
Patricia Lindner
Thank you for joining us for this empowering episode to continue this journey of aligning with your true purpose and uncovering your magnificence, schedule and illumination. Call with Patricia at Patricia Linder dot com. Please share this episode with someone who needs it and subscribe to the show on YouTube and your favorite podcasting platform. Join us again soon for another episode of Magnificence.


Mark Bentley Profile Photo

Mark Bentley

Gene Keys Ambassador

Mark is an official Gene Keys Ambassador & Guide. An avid explorer of the fragile yet exquisite human condition, with a passion for reconnecting people to their natural flavour of Genius.