Learn more about Patricia Lindner and an Illumination Call

Anja Žibert

Anja Žibert Profile Photo

Career Empowerment Mentor/HR Disruptor

My name is Anja Žibert. I am a modern – day ambassador of employment transformation. I see synergies before they exist. I’m collecting and linking information from a “database” of open hearts and creating strong network bonds between people (and organizations) for the bright future of all. Values ​​that define my existence:
- integrity
- open heart energy
-creativity and fun
-honest and open communication
-power of interconnectedness
-collective consciousness
-common good

I am implementing the mission of Free Spirit Human Capital and connected projects in close collaborations with the “business tribe” of international top professionals, who also contribute their energy to the global rise of collective consciousness. Want to be a part of our story? When you open your heart, doors to join us will be wide open!

Dec. 24, 2023

Ep19 Anja Žibert - The Heart Hunter's Revolution: How to Positively D…

Join highly skilled and intuitive holistic practitioner Patricia Lindner as she explores the Magnificence of human potential with her guest, Anja Žibert, a passionate advocate for empowering people to live freely and authenti...

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