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Isabelle Zimmerman

Isabelle Zimmerman Profile Photo

Ascension Teacher

Before connecting with my guides, I lived as the ultimate people-pleaser, expertly meeting everyone's needs except my own. I excelled at predicting preferences but was oblivious to my desires. I excelled at my profession in IT and Operations. Anticipating even the needs of a system.
Ignoring my body's signals—two root canals and plantar fasciitis—I realized I was overwhelmed, putting others before myself. Seeking relief, I reluctantly visited a chiropractor, opening a door to my guides.
Stunned by their question about my desires, I discovered my happiness was tied to others—a belief causing physical pain. Root canals and plantar fasciitis were silent protests my body used to convey my misalignment.
Guided by love, my guides showed that my happiness was my responsibility, not tethered to others. Pain became my ally, urging me to reassess my beliefs and embark on a healing journey.
I resisted the notion of putting on my oxygen mask first but gradually learned the importance of self-care. Walking with my dog, spiritual teachings unfolded, revealing that resolving others' fears hindered their growth.
As I courageously held space instead of resolving fears, I underwent an internal transformation. Meditation, journaling, and voracious consumption of spiritual teachings became daily rituals.
Connected to my guides, I realized I was never alone. Confirmations and synchronicities validated their presence, healing my heart. Your guides are always with you, sending messages to help you realize your greatest potential.