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Katie Potratz

Katie Potratz Profile Photo

Hypnotherapist & Author

Katie Potratz is a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Pain Reprocessing Therapist, and Author. Through deep subconscious reprogramming, she guides her clients on a journey of healing ranging from anxiety, trauma, self-worth, and even chronic pain. In her book, The Uncaged Mind, she shares the magnitude of the subconscious mind, and how our conditioned beliefs keep us stuck in patterns of shame, fear, and pain. Katie is passionate about our ability to heal and the power of the mind.

Oct. 29, 2023

Ep11 Katie Potratz - Uncaging Your Magnificence: Healing Trauma & Li…

Journey into self-healing and empowerment with certified hypnotherapist Katie Potratz on this week's Magnificence podcast! Katie shares how she helps guide clients to overcome trauma, anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, and...

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